我终于成功地通过 AJAX 传递数据并以 JSON 格式返回。但是,现在我不知道如何在我的页面上显示它。

这是我的 JS:

$(function() {
    $( "#selectable" ).selectable({
        selected: updatefilters,
        unselected: updatefilters
    function updatefilters(ev, ui){
        // get the selected filters
        var $selected = $('#selectable').children('.ui-selected');
        // create a string that has each filter separated by a pipe ("|")
        var filters = $selected.map(function(){return this.id;}).get().join("\|");
            type: "POST",
            url: 'updatefilters',
            dataType: 'json', 
            data: { filters: filters },
            success: function(data){

在我的模型运行后,它会回显在 firebug 中发现的以下内容:

[{"thread_id":"226","owner_id":"1","subject":"trying to create a HUGE body for thread testi","body":"Firstly, I think 45 characters is perfect for the heading. \n\nHowever, once the body gets huge, I assume that the \"preview\" is going to get a bit out of hand if not truncated. I have truncated code in place...but it doesn't seem to be working.\n\nI'll have to keep testing to ensure we can get it shrunk down to a few hundred characters so as to not completely screw up the page format\n\nyadda yadda yadda...yadda yadda yadda...and more yadda yadda yadda...\n\nBabble Babble Babble Babble Babble \n\nBabble Babble Babble ","timestamp":"2012-05-02 15:29:19","replystamp":"2012-05-02 15:29:53","last_post_id":"1","slug":"226-trying-to-create-a-huge-body-for-thread-testi","replies_num":"1","views":"19"},{"thread_id":"219","owner_id":"3","subject":"testing icons","body":"hellow world","timestamp":"2012-05-01 11:37:08","replystamp":"2012-05-01 11:37:08","last_post_id":"3","slug":"219-testing-icons","replies_num":"0","views":"3"},{"thread_id":"212","owner_id":"1","subject":"This thread is based off entertainm","body":"Yay","timestamp":"2012-04-25 14:07:55","replystamp":"2012-04-25 14:07:55","last_post_id":"1","slug":"212-this-thread-is-based-off-entertainment","replies_num":"0","views":"4"}]

关于如何用返回的 JSON 数组中的数据替换 div“板”的任何建议都将非常有帮助!


2 回答 2

success: function(data){
 $.each(data, function(index, value) { 
    $('#board').append(index + ': ' + value + '<br/>'); 

您也可以直接从 json 访问值

success: function(data) {
    $('#board').append('Thread Subject' + data.subject); 
于 2012-05-07T23:41:38.457 回答


success: function(data){
    var html = "<table>";
    for (i=0 ; i< data.length ; i++)
        html += "<tr><td>" + data[i].subject + "</td><td>" + data[i].body + "</td></tr>";
    html += "</table";

你明白了。如果您有时间研究更好的解决方案,我还建议您研究模板库mustache.js 。这将使您可以将模板与数据分开,并使用 Javascript 消除 HTML 和数据的丑陋连接。(虽然是一种更高级的解决方案,您可能只想保持简单。) Mustache.js 引擎允许您像这样编写上面的代码:

var template = "{{#item}}<tr><td>{{subject}}</td><td>{{body}}</td></tr>{{/item}}";
var html = "<table>" + mustache.render(template, data) + "</table>";
于 2012-05-07T23:51:11.320 回答