我花了几个小时处理一个奇怪的“错误”,该错误涉及来自 .NET Web 服务的请求 AD 信息用户权限的 Web 方法。


有 bug 的 web 方法如下:

public bool ValidateTask(string originatingUser)
    SPUserToken userToken = null;

    // get the System account for impersonation
    string userToken = site.SystemAccount.UserToken; 
    using (SPSite rootSite = new SPSite(site.ID, userToken)) 
        using (SPWeb web = rootSite.OpenWeb()) 
            // get the domain name of the application pool of the web app
            string servicesDomain = 
            // get the domain name of the user
            string accountsDomain = StringUtilities.GetDomain(originatingUser);

            PrincipalContext ServicesDomainContext = 
                new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, servicesDomain);
            PrincipalContext AccountsDomainContext = 
                new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, accountsDomain);

            // COMException when the FindByIdentity is called because 
            // AccountsDomainContext.connectedServer throw exception
            using (UserPrincipal usr = 
                UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity(AccountsDomainContext, IdentityType.SamAccountName, originatingUser))
            // get user groups memberships
        // check groups memberships and return the true or false

带校正的 web 方法如下:

public bool ValidateTask(string originatingUser)
        delegate ()
            using (SPSite rootSite = new SPSite(site.ID))
                using (SPWeb web = rootSite.OpenWeb())
                    // get the domain name of the application pool of the web app
                    string servicesDomain = 
                    // get the domain name of the user
                    string accountsDomain = StringUtilities.GetDomain(originatingUser);

                    PrincipalContext ServicesDomainContext = 
                        new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, servicesDomain);
                    PrincipalContext AccountsDomainContext = 
                        new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, accountsDomain);

                    using (UserPrincipal usr = 
                        UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity(AccountsDomainContext, IdentityType.SamAccountName, originatingUser))
                    // get user groups memberships

           // check groups memberships and return the true or false
    ); // end of delegate method

==================================================== ==========================

在 sharepoint 中,我认为 Impersonation 和 RunWithElevatedPrivilege 会产生相同的结果。所以我的问题是:

1- 那么为什么 RunWithElevatedPrivilege 有效?

2-当我们在 WebMethod 上下文中提升权限时,凭证是什么?这是 SharePoint Web Services Root 的身份池帐户?



1 回答 1


RunWithElevatedPrivileges 在新线程中运行代码。这个新线程在当前应用程序池的帐户下运行。如果您在http://localhost/_vti_bin/yourservice下调用它,则应用程序池是端口 80 上的 Web 应用程序的应用程序。使用带有用户令牌的新 SPSite 仅在定义的用户的上下文中打开 SPSite 并执行不启动新线程。您可以通过调用 WindowsIdentity.Current 来跟踪当前用户

于 2012-05-08T08:12:49.920 回答