I'm fairly ignorant wrt sqlite, but from what I've found out there appear to be two main implementations for windows phone that folks here are using:

  1. C# Sqlite for WP7
  2. Sqlite Client for Windows Phone

Is there a pros/cons list of these two projects somewhere?

I also haven't seen anything stating that full text search is supported on the WP implementation of any of these. Does anyone know any different? This is a key requirement for my business (and I'm willing to help push to get) and we can't go ahead with our WP implementation of our product until we have this.

If these projects are ported from the core sqlite source code, is it just a matter of defining SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS3 in the projects and recompiling to enable it?


1 回答 1


WP7 是一个“沙盒”环境,也就是说,不允许使用本机代码(c++、pinvoke)。这些移植不是基于外部库,它们是用完全托管的代码(只有 c#)编写的,所以在实践中“不仅仅是定义 SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS3 的问题”。

据我所知,实现 FTS 的唯一解决方案是 Perst http://www.mcobject.com/perst。您可以尝试一下并检查它是否符合您的需求,就像非商业项目的开源一样。不幸的是,出于商业目的,您需要购买付费许可证。


于 2012-06-13T08:55:13.937 回答