
typedef struct {
  uint32_t seconds;
  uint32_t nanoseconds;
} geoTime;

int myTest(geoTime *myTime){
  printf("Time: %d %d\n", myTime->seconds, myTime->nanoseconds);
  myTime->seconds = myTime->nanoseconds;
  geoTime T = {314, 159};
  printf("MyTime: %d %d      retValue: %d %d\n", myTime->seconds, myTime->nanoseconds, T.seconds, T.nanoseconds);
  return 314;


import ctypes
import time
import math

lib_astro = ctypes.CDLL("libastroC.so")

class geoTime(ctypes.Structure):
    _fields_ = [("seconds", ctypes.c_uint),
                ("nanoseconds", ctypes.c_uint)]  

now = time.time()
print "Python Now: ", now

now_geoTime = geoTime()
now_geoTime.seconds = ctypes.c_uint(int((math.floor(now))))
now_geoTime.nanoseconds = ctypes.c_uint(int(math.floor(math.modf(now)[0] * 1000000000)))
print "Python geoTime now:", now_geoTime.seconds, now_geoTime.nanoseconds

lib_astro.myTest.argtypes = [ctypes.POINTER(geoTime)]
lib_astro.myTest.restype = geoTime
print "************* ENTERING C ********************"
test = lib_astro.myTest(ctypes.byref(now_geoTime))
print "************* EXITING C **********************"
print "Modified now_geoTime: ",now_geoTime.seconds, now_geoTime.nanoseconds
print "test: ",test


Python Now:  1336401085.43
Python geoTime now: 1336401085 432585000
************* ENTERING C ********************
Time: 1336401085 432585000
MyTime: 432585000 432585000      retValue: 314 159
************* EXITING C **********************
Modified now_geoTime:  432585000 432585000
test:  314

上面的代码完全按照我的预期工作,我的指针进入并被修改,我得到了我的整数。当我尝试在 C 中创建 geoTime 结构并将其返回给 Python 时,就会出现问题。

在 C 中添加/修改代码:

geoTime patTest(geoTime *myTime){
    printf("Time: %d %d\n", myTime->seconds, myTime->nanoseconds);
    myTime->seconds = myTime->nanoseconds;
    geoTime T = {314, 159};
    printf("MyTime: %d %d      retValue: %d %d\n", myTime->seconds, myTime->nanoseconds, T.seconds, T.nanoseconds);
    return T;


修改后的 Python 代码:

lib_astro.patTest.argtypes = [ctypes.POINTER(geoTime)]
lib_astro.patTest.restype = geoTime
print "************* ENTERING C ********************"
test = lib_astro.patTest(ctypes.byref(now_geoTime))
print "************* EXITING C **********************"
print "Modified now_geoTime: ",now_geoTime.seconds, now_geoTime.nanoseconds
print "Type of test: ",test
print "Information in test: ", test.seconds, test.nanoseconds

一旦我像这样更改我的代码,C 代码就会进入 myTime 而不是来自 Python 的信息,并且返回值被放入 now_geoTime 而不是 test。关于可能出现问题的任何想法?看起来 python 代码没有按照我期望的方式做某事,因为 C 代码似乎可以正确处理传入的值。


Python Now:  1336404920.77
Python geoTime now: 1336404920 773674011
************* ENTERING C ********************
Time: 90500 -17037640
MyTime: -17037640 -17037640      retValue: 314 159
************* EXITING C **********************
Modified now_geoTime:  314 159
Type of test:  <__main__.geoTime object at 0x82bedf4>
Information in test:  137096800 134497384



1 回答 1


我切换到 64 位 python/64 位 dll,问题就消失了。当我感觉更有灵感时,我可能会尝试将其隔离到编译器、操作系统或 python,但现在我将使用它运行。

于 2012-05-08T11:21:21.897 回答