我正在使用 luaxml 将 Lua 表转换为 xml。我在使用 luaxml 时遇到问题,例如,我有一个这样的 lua 表

t = {name="John", age=23, contact={email="john@gmail.com", mobile=12345678}}

当我尝试使用 LuaXML 时,

local x = xml.new("person")
x:append("name")[1] = John
x:append("age")[1] = 23
x1 = xml.new("contact")  
x1:append("email")[1] = "john@gmail.com"
x1:append("mobile")[1] = 12345678
x:append("contact")[1] =  x1

生成的 xml 变为:


xml中有2个联系人。我应该怎么做才能使 Xml 正确?

另外,如何将 XML 转换回 Lua 表?


2 回答 2



x1 = xml.new("contact")  
x1:append("email")[1] = "john@gmail.com"
x1:append("mobile")[1] = 12345678
x:append("contact")[1] =  x1


local contact = xml.new("contact")
contact.email = xml.new("email")
table.insert(contact.email, "john@gmail.com")

contact.mobile = xml.new("mobile")
table.insert(contact.mobile, 12345678)

请记住,每个“节点”都是它自己的表值,这是 xml.new() 返回的值。

以下代码在您调用时正确创建 xml xml.save(x, "\some\filepath")。要记住的是,每当你调用 xml.new() 时,你都会得到一个表,我认为那里的决定是它可以很容易地设置属性......但是使添加简单值的语法更加冗长.

-- generate the root node
local root = xml.new("person")

-- create a new name node to append to the root
local name = xml.new("name")
-- stick the value into the name tag
table.insert(name, "John")

-- create the new age node to append to the root
local age = xml.new("age")
-- stick the value into the age tag
table.insert(age, 23)

-- this actually adds the 'name' and 'age' tags to the root element

-- create a new contact node
local contact = xml.new("contact")
-- create a sub tag for the contact named email
contact.email = xml.new("email")
-- insert its value into the email table
table.insert(contact.email, "john@gmail.com")

-- create a sub tag for the contact named mobile
contact.mobile = xml.new("mobile")
table.insert(contact.mobile, 12345678)

-- add the contact node, since it contains all the info for its
-- sub tags, we don't have to worry about adding those explicitly.


于 2012-05-08T02:21:29.687 回答
local x = xml.new("person")
x:append("name")[1] = John
x:append("age")[1] = 23
x1 = x:append("contact")
x1:append("email")[1] = "john@gmail.com"
x1:append("mobile")[1] = 12345678

于 2014-09-30T01:34:35.483 回答