我需要每分钟运行一个 php 文件,所以我尝试从 cpanel 设置一个 cronjob,但它正在发送带有消息“无法打开输入文件:”的邮件
我的 php 文件在 public_html/schoolerp/cron.php
/usr/local/bin/php -f /public_html/schoolerp/cron.php
You can redirect the output of your command to file or /dev/null to prevent cron from sending email. I would suggest redirect to local file for future references, it's good for debugging and when something goes wrong.
I think something like this should do:
/usr/local/bin/php -f /public_html/schoolerp/cron.php > /logs/mylog.txt 2>&1
Redirect to mylog.txt file and append stderror to stdout so that both stderror and stdout is in log file.