作为我正在构建的 Web 应用程序的一部分,我需要能够扫描远程用户的机器上的病毒/恶意软件,然后他们才能继续使用 Web 应用程序……例如 McAfee On-Demand Scan。

我假设 ActiveX 将是要走的路(因为防病毒公司的所有按需扫描程序似乎都是基于 ActiveX 的)。






2 回答 2


Short Answer: Just don't do this.

Long Answer: I would seriously re-evaluate your requirements here. Forcing a virus scan from a webapp is essentially impossible to do properly, and serves no real purpose from the perspective of the webapp. The whole point of the web is that it's a request initiated by the user, and run inside a sandbox. Forcing access to the rest of the machine for something like a virus scan is deliberately the exact opposite of the way it is meant to work

The only thing I can think of which would be sensible would be to offer an on demand scan, for which you would be best to redirect your users to an expert in the area - Panda ActiveScan is probably as good as any. But services such as these rely on downloadable program anyway in the form of java applet, browser plugin or similar - it's not done over the web.

于 2009-06-26T08:45:45.407 回答

Is the user part of your company? Is this an application that they will be required to use as part of their employment? If not, I can hardly see people visiting your site and saying "Oooh... he wants me to download and run a program on my machine!" Sounds like a great way to get your site on a bunch of "block lists".

Also, do you have a commercial arrangement with a virus scanning company that would allow you to install multiple copies of their commercial software on people's machines? I'm guessing not.

Really, I have to agree with Colin. This idea sounds dead before it even starts.

于 2009-06-26T08:48:15.043 回答