I got some results..
just want to check with you whether they are correct?
I will get the CampaignID
for the respective ECMs from Campaigns
Then I will get AutomationID
for that CampaignID
from Automation
After that, I will get the respective row from AutomationStates
table by using the AutomationID
that I got from Automation
The number of Rows
that I get for each AutomationID
is the number of emails that ECM
And if the VisitorID
that recipient hasn't opened the email.
If there is a value in VisitorID
, that email can be counted as Opened
For Click through
, I thought I could use the StateID
and StateName
from AutomationStates
table as I saw some old data of the StateName
has value called Unproductive Visitors
But when I click through my newly sent ECM
, that field doesn't change anything.
So, I am wondering whether I should user Visits
table or Pages
and PagesEvents
table for Click through
Please advise.
Thanks for your guidance.