为此,我完成了以下操作。它是一个矢量化版本,比使用循环的版本快 150 倍。
def cross(series, cross=0, direction='cross'):
Given a Series returns all the index values where the data values equal
the 'cross' value.
Direction can be 'rising' (for rising edge), 'falling' (for only falling
edge), or 'cross' for both edges
# Find if values are above or bellow yvalue crossing:
above=series.values > cross
left_shifted_above = above[1:]
left_shifted_below = below[1:]
x_crossings = []
# Find indexes on left side of crossing point
if direction == 'rising':
idxs = (left_shifted_above & below[0:-1]).nonzero()[0]
elif direction == 'falling':
idxs = (left_shifted_below & above[0:-1]).nonzero()[0]
rising = left_shifted_above & below[0:-1]
falling = left_shifted_below & above[0:-1]
idxs = (rising | falling).nonzero()[0]
# Calculate x crossings with interpolation using formula for a line:
x1 = series.index.values[idxs]
x2 = series.index.values[idxs+1]
y1 = series.values[idxs]
y2 = series.values[idxs+1]
x_crossings = (cross-y1)*(x2-x1)/(y2-y1) + x1
return x_crossings
# Test it out:
time = [0, 0.1, 0.21, 0.31, 0.40, 0.49, 0.51, 0.6, 0.71, 0.82, 0.93]
voltage = [1, -1, 1.1, -0.9, 1, -1, 0.9,-1.2, 0.95, -1.1, 1.11]
df = DataFrame(data=voltage, index=time, columns=['voltage'])
x_crossings = cross(df['voltage'])
y_crossings = np.zeros(x_crossings.shape)
plt.plot(time, voltage, '-ob', x_crossings, y_crossings, 'or')