我写了一篇文章,描述了如何在启动新实例时使用 Cloudwatch 规则和 lambda 函数来完成此任务。这是 lambda 函数代码:
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const ec2 = new AWS.EC2();
const PROD_ENV_NAME = 'my-prod-env-name';
// Example Event
// {
// "version": "0",
// "id": "ee376907-2647-4179-9203-343cfb3017a4",
// "detail-type": "EC2 Instance State-change Notification",
// "source": "aws.ec2",
// "account": "123456789012",
// "time": "2015-11-11T21:30:34Z",
// "region": "us-east-1",
// "resources": [
// "arn:aws:ec2:us-east-1:123456789012:instance/i-abcd1111"
// ],
// "detail": {
// "instance-id": "i-abcd1111",
// "state": "running"
// }
// }
exports.handler = async (event) => {
console.log("EVENT:", event);
// The newly launched instance ID.
const instanceId = event.detail['instance-id'];
// Fetch info about the newly launched instance
const result = await ec2.describeInstances({
Filters: [ { Name: "instance-id", Values: [instanceId] } ]
// The instance details are buried in this object
const instance = result.Reservations[0].Instances[0];
const isAttached = instance.NetworkInterfaces.find(int => int.Association.IpOwnerId !== 'amazon');
// Bail if the instance is already attached to another EIP
if (isAttached) {
console.log("This instance is already assigned to an elastic IP")
return { statusCode: 200, body: '' }
// In elastic beanstalk, the instance name gets assigned to the enviroment name.
// There is also an environment name tag, which could be used here.
const name = instance.Tags.find(t => t.Key === 'Name').Value;
// Only assign EIPs to production instances
if (name !== PROD_ENV_NAME) {
console.log('Not a production instance. Not assigning. Instance name:', name)
return { statusCode: 200, body: ''}
// Get a list of elastic IP addresses
const addresses = await ec2.describeAddresses().promise();
// Filter out addresses already assigned to instances
const availableAddresses = addresses.Addresses.filter(a => !a.NetworkInterfaceId);
// Raise an error if we have no more available IP addresses
if (availableAddresses.length === 0) {
console.log("ERROR: no available ip addresses");
return { statusCode: 400, body: JSON.stringify("ERROR: no available ip addresses") }
const firstAvail = availableAddresses[0]
try {
// Associate the instance to the address
const result = await ec2.associateAddress({
AllocationId: firstAvail.AllocationId,
InstanceId: instanceId
console.log('allocation result', result)
return { statusCode: 200, body: JSON.stringify('Associated IP address.') };
} catch (err) {
console.log("ERROR: ", err);