我有一个充满图像的文件夹,我需要使用 applescript 创建一个包含所有图像名称的文本文件。Applescript 有什么方法可以读取所有文件名,大约有 10k 个文件名,然后将其输出到文本文件?任何帮助都会很棒!谢谢阅读。
3 回答
ls > pix.txt
The following Applescript will write the names of files within a folder to a text file:
property theFolder : "File:Path:To:theFolder:"
tell application "Finder"
-- Create text file on desktop to write filenames to
make new file at desktop with properties {name:"theFile.txt"}
set theFile to the result as alias
set openFile to open for access theFile with write permission
-- Read file names and write to text file
set theFiles to every item of folder theFolder
repeat with i in theFiles
set fileName to name of i
write fileName & "
" to openFile starting at eof
end repeat
close access openFile
end tell
set theFile to (theFolder & "thefile.txt")as string
set openFile to open for access theFile with write permission
set thefile to choose file name with prompt "name the output file"
write fileName & return to openFile
在此示例中,“>”将 ls(列表目录)命令的输出写入文件。你可以从一个applescript中运行它
set thePosixDrectory to posix path of file thedirectory of app "Finder"
set theposixResults to posix path of file theresultfile of app "Finder"
do shell script ("ls \"" & thePosixDrectory & "\">\"" & theposixResults & "\"")as string
posix 路径的东西是将 applescript 样式directory:paths:to your:files
转换为 unix 样式/directory/paths/to\ your/files
请注意,实际运行的 shell 脚本如下所示:
ls "/some/directory/path/">"/some/file/path.txt"
引号是为了防止空格或其他时髦的字符混淆 shell 脚本。为了阻止引号被读取为苹果脚本中的引号,反斜杠用于“转义”它们。您也可以使用单引号,从而获得更易读的代码:
将 shell script ("ls '" & thePosixDrectory & "'>'" & theposixResults & "'") 作为字符串
ls '/some/directory/path/'>'/some/file/path.txt'