jQuery: - 使用 $.md5() 插件和 $.cookie() 插件(用于发布数据的 CodeIgniter CSRF 保护 cookie)
$('#login').on('submit', function(e){
$.get('/salt/', function(salt){
// get / set salt and salt flashdata
$.post('/login/', {
'username' : $('#l_username').val(),
'password' : $.md5('' + salt['m'] + $.md5($('#l_password').val()) + salt['s']),
//set to string (in case MD5 hash of password is an integer)hash password, add salt, hash salted password.
'_token' : $.cookie('_cookie')
}, function(r){
// *r* == 0: unknown user; 1: wrong password; 2: logged in; 3: database error; 4: session error;
// perform action depending on *r* value
PHP (CodeIgniter): - rout 文件转发/salt/
- /process/login/
'session' 类被自动加载
class Process extends CI_Controller {
public function __construct() {
$this->load->model('login'); // loads model with login functions ()
public function login() {
$data = array();
$data['username'] = $this->input->post('username');
$data['password'] = $this->input->post('password');
if ($data['username'] && $data['password']) {
//if user and password are set
$user = $this->login->getUser($data['username']);
if ($user->num_rows() === 1) {
// if the username is in the database
$user = $user->row();
$salt = $this->session->flashdata('s');
//flashdata set by ajax call to '/salt/'
$pass = $salt->m . $user->password . $salt->s;
//password is already hashed in database
if ($data['password'] === $pass){
// update logged_in database table then set login session
echo 2; // logged in; if database / session error, echo 3 / 4
} else {
echo 1; // wrong password
} else {
echo 0; //unknown user
public function salt() {
// set salt values based in minute and second time
$salt = (object) array('m' => intval(date('i')), 's' => intval(date('s')));
//intval() removes leading 0
$this->session->set_flashdata('s', $salt);
// flashdata only valid for the next server request (which is the login);
header('Content-type: application/json');
//return value as json string
echo json_encode($salt);
我的问题是:这种登录方法到底有多安全?剧本有没有潜在的漏洞?我想确保在没有 https 的情况下登录过程尽可能安全。