
  '6d6e7bf221ae24e07ab90bba4452267b05db7824cd3fd1ea94b2c9a8': 6,
  '7c4a462a6ed4a3070b6d78d97c90ac230330603d24a58cafa79caf42': 7,
  '9c37bdc9f4750dd7ee2b558d6c06400c921f4d74aabd02ed5b4ddb38': 9,
  'd3abb28d5776aef6b728920b5d7ff86fa3a71521a06538d2ad59375a': 15,
  '2ca9e1f9cbcd76a5ce1772f9b59995fd32cbcffa8a3b01b5c9c8afc2': 11




10 回答 10



x = {'both1': 1, 'both2': 2, 'only_x': 100}
y = {'both1': 10, 'both2': 20, 'only_y': 200}

print {k: x.get(k, 0) + y.get(k, 0) for k in set(x)}
print {k: x.get(k, 0) + y.get(k, 0) for k in set(x) & set(y)}
print {k: x.get(k, 0) + y.get(k, 0) for k in set(x) | set(y)}


{'both2': 22, 'only_x': 100, 'both1': 11}
{'both2': 22, 'both1': 11}
{'only_y': 200, 'both2': 22, 'both1': 11, 'only_x': 100}
于 2012-05-05T12:38:47.177 回答

您可以执行+, -, &, and |(intersection and union) with collections.Counter()


from collections import Counter

x = {'both1':1, 'both2':2, 'only_x': 100 }
y = {'both1':10, 'both2': 20, 'only_y':200 }

z = dict(Counter(x)+Counter(y))

{'both2': 22, 'only_x': 100, 'both1': 11, 'only_y': 200}


x = {'both1':0, 'both2':2, 'only_x': 100 }
y = {'both1':0, 'both2': -20, 'only_y':200 }
xx = Counter(x)
yy = Counter(y)
{'both2': -18, 'only_x': 100, 'both1': 0, 'only_y': 200}
于 2015-06-20T04:08:15.120 回答


我试图对 2 个或更多词典的集合执行此操作,并且有兴趣查看每个词典所花费的时间。因为我想在任意数量的字典上这样做,我不得不稍微改变一些答案。如果有人对他们有更好的建议,请随时编辑。

这是我的测试方法。我最近对其进行了更新,以包含使用更大字典的测试,并再次包含 Havok 和 Scott 的新方法:


import random

x = {'xy1': 1, 'xy2': 2, 'xyz': 3, 'only_x': 100}
y = {'xy1': 10, 'xy2': 20, 'xyz': 30, 'only_y': 200}
z = {'xyz': 300, 'only_z': 300}

small_tests = [x, y, z]

# 200,000 random 8 letter keys
keys = [''.join(random.choice("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") for _ in range(8)) for _ in range(200000)]

a, b, c = {}, {}, {}

# 50/50 chance of a value being assigned to each dictionary, some keys will be missed but meh
for key in keys:
    if random.getrandbits(1):
        a[key] = random.randint(0, 1000)
    if random.getrandbits(1):
        b[key] = random.randint(0, 1000)
    if random.getrandbits(1):
        c[key] = random.randint(0, 1000)

large_tests = [a, b, c]

print("a:", len(a), "b:", len(b), "c:", len(c))
#: a: 100069 b: 100385 c: 99989


from collections import defaultdict, Counter
from functools import reduce

def georg_method(tests):
    return {k: sum(t.get(k, 0) for t in tests) for k in set.union(*[set(t) for t in tests])}

def georg_method_nosum(tests):
    # If you know you will have exactly 3 dicts
    return {k: tests[0].get(k, 0) + tests[1].get(k, 0) + tests[2].get(k, 0) for k in set.union(*[set(t) for t in tests])}

def npe_method(tests):
    ret = defaultdict(int)
    for d in tests:
        for k, v in d.items():
            ret[k] += v
    return dict(ret)

# Note: There is a bug with scott's method. See below for details.
# Scott included a similar version using counters that is fixed
# See the scott_update_method below
def scott_method(tests):
    return dict(sum((Counter(t) for t in tests), Counter()))

def scott_method_nosum(tests):
    # If you know you will have exactly 3 dicts
    return dict(Counter(tests[0]) + Counter(tests[1]) + Counter(tests[2]))

def scott_update_method(tests):
    ret = Counter()
    for test in tests:
    return dict(ret)

def scott_update_method_static(tests):
    # If you know you will have exactly 3 dicts
    xx = Counter(tests[0])
    yy = Counter(tests[1])
    zz = Counter(tests[2])
    return dict(xx)

def havok_method(tests):
    def reducer(accumulator, element):
        for key, value in element.items():
            accumulator[key] = accumulator.get(key, 0) + value
        return accumulator
    return reduce(reducer, tests, {})

methods = {
    "georg_method": georg_method, "georg_method_nosum": georg_method_nosum,
    "npe_method": npe_method,
    "scott_method": scott_method, "scott_method_nosum": scott_method_nosum,
    "scott_update_method": scott_update_method, "scott_update_method_static": scott_update_method_static,
    "havok_method": havok_method

我还写了一个快速函数来查找列表之间的任何差异。Counter()不幸的是,那时我在 Scott 的方法中发现了问题,即,如果您的字典总数为 0,则由于添加时的行为方式,字典根本不会被包含在内。


  • MacBook Pro(15 英寸,2016 年末),2.9 GHz Intel Core i7,16 GB 2133 MHz LPDDR3 RAM,运行 macOS Mojave 版本 10.14.5
  • Python 3.6.5 通过 IPython 6.1.0



for name, method in methods.items():
    print("Method:", name)
    %timeit -n10000 method(small_tests)
#: Method: georg_method
#: 7.81 µs ± 321 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000 loops each)
#: Method: georg_method_nosum
#: 4.6 µs ± 48.8 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000 loops each)
#: Method: npe_method
#: 3.2 µs ± 24.7 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000 loops each)
#: Method: scott_method
#: 24.9 µs ± 326 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000 loops each)
#: Method: scott_method_nosum
#: 18.9 µs ± 64.8 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000 loops each)
#: Method: scott_update_method
#: 9.1 µs ± 90.7 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000 loops each)
#: Method: scott_update_method_static
#: 14.4 µs ± 122 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000 loops each)
#: Method: havok_method
#: 3.09 µs ± 47.9 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000 loops each)



for name, method in methods.items():
    print("Method:", name)
    %timeit -n10 method(large_tests)
#: Method: georg_method
#: 347 ms ± 20 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
#: Method: georg_method_nosum
#: 280 ms ± 4.97 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
#: Method: npe_method
#: 119 ms ± 11 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
#: Method: scott_method
#: 324 ms ± 16.8 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
#: Method: scott_method_nosum
#: 289 ms ± 14.3 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
#: Method: scott_update_method
#: 123 ms ± 1.94 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
#: Method: scott_update_method_static
#: 136 ms ± 3.19 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
#: Method: havok_method
#: 103 ms ± 1.31 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)


║                           ║       ║    Best of Time Per Loop    ║
║         Algorithm         ║  By   ╠══════════════╦══════════════╣
║                           ║       ║  small_tests ║  large_tests ║
║ functools reduce          ║ Havok ║       3.1 µs ║   103,000 µs ║
║ defaultdict sum           ║ NPE   ║       3.2 µs ║   119,000 µs ║
║ Counter().update loop     ║ Scott ║       9.1 µs ║   123,000 µs ║
║ Counter().update static   ║ Scott ║      14.4 µs ║   136,000 µs ║
║ set unions without sum()  ║ georg ║       4.6 µs ║   280,000 µs ║
║ set unions with sum()     ║ georg ║       7.8 µs ║   347,000 µs ║
║ Counter() without sum()   ║ Scott ║      18.9 µs ║   289,000 µs ║
║ Counter() with sum()      ║ Scott ║      24.9 µs ║   324,000 µs ║


于 2016-02-28T23:47:56.113 回答


from collections import defaultdict

def dsum(*dicts):
    ret = defaultdict(int)
    for d in dicts:
        for k, v in d.items():
            ret[k] += v
    return dict(ret)

x = {'both1':1, 'both2':2, 'only_x': 100 }
y = {'both1':10, 'both2': 20, 'only_y':200 }

print(dsum(x, y))


{'both1': 11, 'both2': 22, 'only_x': 100, 'only_y': 200}
于 2012-05-05T12:43:32.950 回答


from functools import reduce

collection = [
    {'a': 1, 'b': 1},
    {'a': 2, 'b': 2},
    {'a': 3, 'b': 3},
    {'a': 4, 'b': 4, 'c': 1},
    {'a': 5, 'b': 5, 'c': 1},
    {'a': 6, 'b': 6, 'c': 1},
    {'a': 7, 'b': 7},
    {'a': 8, 'b': 8},
    {'a': 9, 'b': 9},

def reducer(accumulator, element):
    for key, value in element.items():
        accumulator[key] = accumulator.get(key, 0) + value
    return accumulator

total = reduce(reducer, collection, {})

assert total['a'] == sum(d.get('a', 0) for d in collection)
assert total['b'] == sum(d.get('b', 0) for d in collection)
assert total['c'] == sum(d.get('c', 0) for d in collection)



{'a': 45, 'b': 45, 'c': 3}


  • 简单,清晰,Pythonic。
  • 无模式,只要所有键都是“可计算的”。
  • O(n) 时间复杂度和 O(1) 内存复杂度。
于 2017-09-09T07:59:58.570 回答
d1 = {'apples': 2, 'banana': 1}
d2 = {'apples': 3, 'banana': 2}
merged = reduce(
    lambda d, i: (
        d.update(((i[0], d.get(i[0], 0) + i[1]),)) or d


merged = dict(d1, **d2)
于 2013-12-02T19:37:29.567 回答
class dict_merge(dict):
def __add__(self, other):
    result = dict_merge({})
    for key in self.keys():
        if key in other.keys():
            result[key] = self[key] + other[key]
            result[key] = self[key]
    for key in other.keys():
        if key in self.keys():
            result[key] = other[key]
    return result

a = dict_merge({"a":2, "b":3, "d":4})
b = dict_merge({"a":1, "b":2})
c = dict_merge({"a":5, "b":6, "c":5})
d = dict_merge({"a":8, "b":6, "e":5})

print((a + b + c +d))

>>> {'a': 16, 'b': 17, 'd': 4, 'c': 5, 'e': 5}

那就是运算符重载。使用__add__,我们已经定义了如何使用继承自内置 python的运算+符。您可以继续使用类似的方式来使其更灵活,以在同一类中定义其他运算符,例如用于乘法,或用于除法,甚至使用用于取模,并用相应的运算符替换in ,如果您发现你自己需要这样的合并。我只是在没有其他运营商的情况下对此进行了测试,但我预计其他运营商不会出现问题。只是通过尝试来学习。dict_mergedict*__mul__/__div__%__mod__+self[key] + other[key]

于 2017-04-25T03:01:09.167 回答


from collections import Counter
from functools import reduce

data = [
  {'x': 10, 'y': 1, 'z': 100},
  {'x': 20, 'y': 2, 'z': 200},
  {'a': 10, 'z': 300}

result = dict(reduce(lambda x, y: Counter(x) + Counter(y), data))
于 2022-02-04T18:01:48.140 回答

如果要创建一个新dict的 as|使用:

>>> dict({'a': 1,'c': 2}, **{'c': 1})
{'a': 1, 'c': 1}
于 2016-01-22T20:33:13.857 回答

Scott 使用的方法collections.Counter很好,但它的缺点是不能用于sum; 当您只想按组件添加值时,处理负值或零值的需要对我来说有点违反直觉。


我创建了一个行为非常类似于 a 的类dict,基本上将所有成员调用传递给getatrr方法_data中的底层。唯一不同的是:

  1. 它有一个DEFAULT_VALUE(类似于collections.defaultdict),用作不存在的键的值。
  2. 它实现了一个__add__()方法,该方法(连同该__radd__()方法)负责逐个添加字典。
from typing import Union, Any

class AddableDict:

    def __init__(self, data: dict) -> None:
        self._data = data

    def __getattr__(self, attr: str) -> Any:
        return getattr(self._data, attr)

    def __getitem__(self, item) -> Any:
            return self._data[item]
        except KeyError:
            return self.DEFAULT_VALUE

    def __repr__(self):
        return self._data.__repr__()

    def __add__(self, other) -> "AddableDict":
        return AddableDict({
            key: self[key] + other[key]
            for key in set(self.keys()) | set(other.keys())

    def __radd__(
        self, other: Union[int, "AddableDict"]
    ) -> "AddableDict":
        if other == 0:
            return self


>>> alpha = AddableDict({"a": 1})
>>> beta = AddableDict({"a": 10, "b": 5})
>>> alpha + beta
{'a': 11, 'b': 5}

>>> sum([beta]*10)
{'a': 100, 'b': 50}

在我看来,这个解决方案的优点是为开发人员提供了一个简单易懂的界面供使用。当然,您也可以继承 fromdict而不是使用组合。

于 2020-10-01T20:16:27.087 回答