I work with DefaultMutableTreeNode, and it has methods depthFirstEnumeration(), breadthFirstEnumeration() and children() that return Enumeration of tree nodes.

I need to use the returned Enumeration multiple times, but I can't find any method like reset() in Enumeration. It seems like I only can get all the elements just once, and then call depthFirstEnumeration() again to get new Enumeration, it seems not to be a good solution.

Of course, I can get all the elements from Enumeration and convert it to any another reusable representation, but is there really a way to use Enumeration multiple times?


1 回答 1


不,这是不可能的Enumeration。在这个问题上,java doc 说:

实现 Enumeration 接口的对象一次生成一系列元素。


Enumeration e = ...
ArrayList aList = Collections.list(e);
于 2012-05-05T09:34:25.983 回答