I am developing Burmese Input Method for android 4.0. I am following the sample soft keyboard provided in API Demos.
Now My question is
In qwert.xml of sample soft keyboard.I got the following.
<Key android:codes="113" android:keyIcon="q" android:keyEdgeFlags="left"/>
<Key android:codes="119" android:keyLabel="w"/>
<Key android:codes="101" android:keyLabel="e"/>
<Key android:codes="114" android:keyLabel="r"/>
<Key android:codes="116" android:keyLabel="t"/>
<Key android:codes="121" android:keyLabel="y"/>
<Key android:codes="117" android:keyLabel="u"/>
<Key android:codes="105" android:keyLabel="i"/>
<Key android:codes="111" android:keyLabel="o"/>
<Key android:codes="112" android:keyLabel="p" android:keyEdgeFlags="right"/>
In above snippet android:codes="113"
113 is UTF-8 code for character q.
What I did is I replaced the android:codes with UTF-8 code for Burmese Characters. I was expecting that burmese character will be displayed but it displayes blank space for all the characters.
I am stucked up.Googled but nothing found.
Can any one help me?