在单元格 R12 中,我有一个整数,每次我需要运行此宏时都会更改。我需要宏来分析该单元格中的数字,并在电子表格中找到与单元格 R12 的内容匹配的另一个单元格(保证在 M31:M40 范围内,因为这是匹配的位置) ,然后使匹配的单元格成为活动单元格。
显然,我可以告诉 excel R12 中的内容是什么,然后进行搜索,但我需要它自己确定 R12 中的内容......然后找到匹配的单元格,然后去那里。

没有人键入 R12 的值。它是计算出来的。R12 是通过合计该列中其他十个单元格的内容创建的数字。我正在尝试为我的宏留下“面包屑”以找到返回电子表格上某个位置的方式,宏可以在该位置继续并将数据粘贴到那里......我希望 Excel 可以确定 R12 中的数字,并找到表格上其他地方的确切数字..本身。相同的数字将存在于另一个数组中......(M31:M40)如果它可以以某种方式将活动单元格移动到匹配的数字,我可以让我的活动单元格回到我开始宏的位置。宏的完整内容未发布。希望澄清。


2 回答 2


我从“通过信息搜寻和啄食来构建宏以提高在视频后期制作设施中完成的所有工作的效率”中猜测您对 VBA 的了解是有限的,并且您不知道哪些功能可能是相关的。这个答案是对我认为你需要的事件例程的介绍。


为了演示这些例程,我创建了一个工作簿和一个工作表“Work”。我已将 12 个单元格设置为数值并将 R12 设置为它们的总和。我已将范围 J2:O25 设置为数字 1 到 144。这是一个比您想要的更大的范围,但这对原理没有影响。


Workbook_Open中,我保存了 R12 的原始值。在Workbook_SheetChange,如果 R12 的值发生了变化,并且如果 J2:O25 包含新值,我将光标移动到它。



  Public R12Last As Variant

您必须将以下代码放置在ThisWorkbook工作Microsoft Excel Objects表下方。

Option Explicit
Sub Workbook_Open()

  ' This routine is called when the workbook is opened.

  With Worksheets("Work")
    ' Save the value of cell R12 when the workbook opens.
    R12Last = .Range("R12").Value
  End With

End Sub

Private Sub Workbook_SheetChange(ByVal WSht As Object, ByVal ChgRng As Range)

  ' This routine is called when cells in any worksheet are changed by the
  ' user or by an external link.

  ' WSht is the worksheet within which cells have changed.
  ' ChgRng can be a single cell or a range.

  ' For this application, we are not interested in the cell that has changed.
  ' We want to know if the change affected R12.

  Dim SearchRng As Range
  Dim FoundRng As Range

  With Worksheets("Work")
    If R12Last <> .Range("R12").Value Then
      ' Cell R12 has changed
      R12Last = .Range("R12").Value     ' Record the new value for next time

      ' I have a larger range containing the values that might be in R12
      ' but the principle is the same.  You will need to change this to M31:M40.
      Set SearchRng = .Range("J2:O25")

      ' Look for the new value of R12 in SearchRng.
      ' "What" is the value to be found.  "After" must be within the search
      ' range. "After" is the last cell to be searched.  I have set
      ' SearchDirection to xlNext and SearchOrder to xlByRows so the Find will
      ' check cells starting with J2.
      ' Look Find up in VBA Help for a fuller description.
      Set FoundRng = SearchRng.Find(What:=R12Last, After:=Range("O25"), _
                                    LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole, _
                                    SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
      If FoundRng Is Nothing Then
        ' The value of R12 has not been found in the search range.
        ' Add code to handle this situation
        Call MsgBox("Target value not found", vbOKOnly)
        ' Make the cell with the matching value the active cell.
      End If
    End If
  End With

End Sub
于 2012-05-05T20:10:46.177 回答


Range(ActiveCell.Address).Name = "StartCell"


Application.Goto "StartCell"
于 2012-05-09T19:03:58.587 回答