对于我的 C - SDL 视频游戏,我需要使用自己制作的精灵表。图片尺寸是100x100,我要拍的每张照片都是25x25


// Wraps a rectangle around every sprite in a sprite sheet and stores it in an array of     rectangles(Clip[])

void spriteSheet(){

int SpriteWidth = 25; int SpriteHeight= 25; int SheetDimension = 4;
int LeSprites = SheetDimension * SheetDimension;// Number of Sprites on sheet
SDL_Rect Clip[LeSprites]; // Rectangles that will wrap around each sprite

int SpriteXNum = 0;// The number sprite going from left to right
int SpriteYNum = 0;// The number sprite going from top to bottom
int YIncrement = 0;// Increment for each row.
int i = 0;
for(i = 0; i< LeSprites; i++){// While i is less than number of sprites

    if(i = 0){// First sprite starts at 0,0
        Clip[i].x = 0;
        Clip[i].y = 0;
        Clip[i].w = SpriteWidth;
        Clip[i].h = SpriteHeight;

        if(SpriteXNum < SheetDimension - 1 ){// If we have reached the end of the row, go back to the front of the next row
            SpriteXNum = 0;
        if(YIncrement < SheetDimension - 1){
            SpriteYNum += 1;                         // Example of 4X4 Sheet
        }                                            //   ________________
        Clip[i].x = SpriteWidth * SpriteXNum;        //  | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
        Clip[i].y = SpriteHeight * SpriteYNum;       //  |===============|
                                                     //  | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
                                                     //  |===============|
        Clip[i].w = SpriteWidth;                     //  | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
        Clip[i].h = SpriteHeight;                    //  |===============|
                                                     //  | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
    }                                                //  |---------------|




1 回答 1



如果你想加载 PNG,你应该使用额外的SDL_image 库。它将产生一个SDL_Surface指针,当您调用SDL_BlitSurface将其绘制到屏幕上时,您可以将其与剪切坐标一起使用。

请注意,您应该尝试SpriteDimension从图像本身获取等值(通过将图像宽度 ( w) 和高度 ( h) 除以单个精灵的大小)。

将来,您可以通过设计一个 SpriteSheet 类来扩展这个想法,该类保存其计算的剪切位置和有关精灵表的其他信息,并SDL_BlitSurface适当地包装调用。

于 2012-05-04T23:38:08.263 回答