我正在开发一款替代现实游戏,我的任务是创建一个关卡,玩家必须在一定时间内专注于回答数学问题,同时关闭弹出窗口。目标是让弹出窗口产生自己的弹出窗口,这样如果用户长时间忽略它们,事情就会很快失控。并且为了确保人们不会打开弹出窗口阻止程序,数学问题也会出现在弹出窗口中。不幸的是,我不懂 Javascript,所以我一直依赖从网上复制代码。

我的计划是有一个基本页面,它每 5 秒弹出一个名为 focus.html 的页面(左右,仍在决定时间)。focus.html 会让它们每隔五秒弹出另一个 focus.html。因此,如果您将其中一个打开五秒钟,您将有两个关闭,依此类推。理论上。

但出于某种原因,弹出窗口不会创建自己的弹出窗口。如果我打开基本页面,focus.html 只有在基本页面调用时才会弹出。如果我手动打开 focus.html,弹出窗口也只会出现在主浏览器中的 focus.html 副本中。

focus.html 的代码:


    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

<!--    <link rel="stylesheet" href="game.css" type="text/css" media="screen" /> -->


    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">

        <!-- Begin
        closetime = 0; // Close window after __ number of seconds?
        // 0 = do not close, anything else = number of seconds

        function Start1(URL1, WIDTH, HEIGHT) {
            windowprops = "left=50,top=50,width=" + WIDTH + ",height=" + HEIGHT;
            preview = window.open(URL1, "preview", windowprops);
            if (closetime) {
                setTimeout("preview.close();", closetime*1000);

        function doPopup1() {
            url1 = "focus.html";
            width = 500;  // width of window in pixels
            height = 500; // height of window in pixels
            delay = 5;    // time in seconds before popup opens
            timer = setTimeout("Start1(url1, width, height)", delay*1000);

        function doPopup2() {
            url1 = "focus.html";
            width = 500;  // width of window in pixels
            height = 500; // height of window in pixels
            delay = 10;    // time in seconds before popup opens
            timer = setTimeout("Start1(url1, width, height)", delay*1000);

                    function doPopup3() {
            url1 = "focus.html";
            width = 500;  // width of window in pixels
            height = 500; // height of window in pixels
            delay = 15;    // time in seconds before popup opens
            timer = setTimeout("Start1(url1, width, height)", delay*1000);

        //  End -->


<body OnLoad="doPopup1(); doPopup2(); doPopup3();">

    <br />

    <p>Remember to FOCUS.</p>



1 回答 1

preview = window.open(URL1, "preview", windowprops);


于 2012-05-04T23:32:23.213 回答