I use Ghostscript to convert PDF documents to PCL for printing. Recently I have the additional requirement that all pages must be rotated to Portrait before printing. I have found a way to do so using Ghostscript with following command and postscript function.

"C:\Program Files (x86)\gs\bin\gswin32c.exe" "-dNOPAUSE" "-dNOPROMPT" "-dBATCH" "-sDEVICE=pxlmono" "-Ic:\Program Files (x86)\gs\fonts\;c:\Program Files (x86)\gs\lib\;c:\Program Files (x86)\gs\lib\;" "-r300" "-sOutputFile=C:\EXPORTFILE_e542e04f-5e84-4c8e-9b41-55480cd5ec52.cache" "rotate612x792.ps" "C:\EXPORTFILE_3a5de9da-d9ca-4562-8cb6-10fb8715385a.cache"

Contents of rotate612x792.ps

%! Rotate Pages
<< /Policies << /PageSize 5 >> 
   /PageSize [612 792] 
   /InputAttributes currentpagedevice 
   /InputAttributes get mark exch {1 index /Priority eq not {pop << /PageSize [612 792] >>} if }  forall >>
   >> setpagedevice

The problem is that this function replaces all page sizes with letter size. My documents are sometimes legal or A4. I have tried to modify this function to replace landscape sizes with their portrait counterpart, but have not been able to produce functioning postscript. I need to be pointed in the right direction to produce the postscript equivalent of the following pseudo code.

for(each page)
   if(PageSize == [792 612])
       PageSize = [612 792];

I am aware that there are non-Ghostscript ways of rotating pages, but if I can get this to work it would fit nicely into my process and would not reduce performance.

Here is a sample of one of my pdf files: Sample1.pdf


3 回答 3


PostScript 是一种编程语言,因此您可以用它做很多事情。您需要在这里做的是重新定义请求页面大小的操作。PostScript 中的页面大小和内容是分开的,因此您需要做两件事:


2) 旋转页面内容


/oldsetpagedevice /setpagedevice load def %% copy original definition

/setpagedevice {
  dup /PageSize known {                   %% Do we have a page size redefinition ?
    dup /PageSize get                     %% get the array if so
    aload pop                             %% get elements remove array copy
    gt {                                  %% is width > height ?
      dup /PageSize get aload             %% get size array, put content on stack
      3 1 roll                            %% roll stack to put array at back
      exch                                %% swap width and height
      3 -1 roll                           %% bring array back to front of stack
      astore                              %% put swapped elements into array
      /PageSize exch                      %% put key on stack and swap with value
      2 index                             %% copy the original dict
      3 1 roll                            %% move dict to back of stack
      put                                 %% put new page size array in dict
      90 rotate                           %% rotate content 90 degrees anti-clockwise
    } if
  } if
  oldsetpagedevice                        %% call the original definition
} bind def

这将检查配置更改以查看页面大小是否正在更改,如果是,则获取新大小,并查看宽度 > 高度(横向的简单定义)。如果这是真的,那么它会通过交换宽度和高度来改变请求,然后将页面内容旋转 90 度。

您可以通过将上述内容放在一个文件(例如 prolog.ps)中,然后在您自己的作业之前运行该文件来将其与 Ghostscript 一起使用:

gs ...... prolog.ps job.ps

我已经尝试过了,但没有使用横向文件,因为我手头没有。另请注意,可以构建一个 PostScript 程序来解决这个问题。

于 2012-05-05T09:17:37.920 回答


以下 postscript 脚本会将 A4、Letter 和 Legal 文档旋转为纵向。要让它执行其他页面大小,请调整最小和最大尺寸。

  %   Sequence to set up for a single page size, auto fit all pages.
  %   Autorotate A4 Letter and Legal page sizes to Portrait
  << /Policies << /PageSize 3 >>
     /InputAttributes currentpagedevice /InputAttributes get    %current dict
     dup { pop 1 index exch undef } forall    % remove all page sizes
     dup 0 << /PageSize [ 595 0 612 99999 ] >> put    % [ min-w min-h max-w max-h ]
  >> setpagedevice

此后记脚本会将 A4、Letter 和 Legal 文档旋转为横向。唯一的区别是最小/最大页面大小值。

  %   Sequence to set up for a single page size, auto fit all pages.
  %   Autorotate A4 Letter and Legal page sizes to Landscape
  << /Policies << /PageSize 3 >>
     /InputAttributes currentpagedevice /InputAttributes get    %current dict
     dup { pop 1 index exch undef } forall    % remove all page sizes
     dup 0 << /PageSize [ 0 595 99999 612 ] >> put    % [ min-w min-h max-w max-h ]
  >> setpagedevice

该解决方案基于我在hylafax项目的源代码中找到的 auto-rotate.ps 文件。该项目似乎在 BSD 下获得许可。

于 2012-05-07T18:25:45.640 回答

尽管Zig158答案运行良好,但从那时起出现了一个新选项 -dFIXEDMEDIA 女巫适用于任何纸张尺寸,不仅适用于 a4。

有关更多详细信息,请参阅Ghostscript 错误跟踪器

于 2018-07-05T05:46:00.340 回答