I want to create a function, that prints output according to its parameter.
Like if I pass a ofstream pointer it should print the output to the respective file, whereas if i pass cout or something, that makes it print to the terminal.
Thanks :)
I want to create a function, that prints output according to its parameter.
Like if I pass a ofstream pointer it should print the output to the respective file, whereas if i pass cout or something, that makes it print to the terminal.
Thanks :)
void display(std::ostream& stream)
stream << "Hello, World!";
std::ofstream fout("test.txt");
template<typename CharT, typename TraitsT>
void print(std::basic_ostream<CharT, TraitsT>& os)
// write to os
template<class T>
std::ostream &output_something(std::ostream &out_stream, const T &value) {
return out_stream << value;
ofstream out_file("some_file");
output_something(out_file, "bleh"); // prints to "some_file"
output_something(std::cout, "bleh"); // prints to stdout