我正在使用 OpenCV 进行图像处理。我正在寻找一个人体,我想隔离(段)。
目前,我能够找到身体的轮廓,并用多边形近似轮廓。接下来,我想在 cvWatershed 中使用该轮廓,以真正隔离身体。
红色:我想要的多边形,但找不到。(在上图中,我使用了 Photoshop...)
CvContourScanner scanner = cvStartFindContours(mask, pStorage, sizeof(CvContour), CV_RETR_EXTERNAL, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
CvSeq* c;
CvSeq* polyContour;
int numCont = 0;
int perimScale = 4;
int contour_approx_level = 6;
while((c = cvFindNextContour(scanner)) != NULL)
CvSeq* c_new;
// Polygonal approximation
c_new = cvApproxPoly(c, sizeof(CvContour), pStorage, CV_POLY_APPROX_DP, contour_approx_level, 0);
// Create the new contour
cvSubstituteContour(scanner, c_new);
polyContour = cvEndFindContours(&scanner);
int i = 0;
for(i=0, c=polyContour; c!=NULL; c = c->h_next, i++)
cvDrawContours(pOutput, c, cvScalar(255,125,0), cvScalar(255,255,0), -1, 2, 8);
/* Draw the contour at an offset towards the center here */
// Based upon the answers, I found 2 solutions
// 1) Erode -
// void cvErode( const CvArr* A, CvArr* C, IplConvKernel* B=0, int iterations=1 );
cvErode(pOutput, pOutput, NULL, 3);
// 2) Another option - draw with a black border and thick pencil:
cvDrawContours(pOutput, c, cvScalarAll(0), cvScalarAll(0), 12, 2, 8);