到目前为止,我还不是 JQuery 专家,所以我会尽力解释我的困境。
本质上,我找到了这个示例:http ://the-echoplex.net/demos/upload-file/使用 Jquery 自定义输入文件按钮的外观。
我还希望能够使用类似于此示例的清除按钮删除文件:http ://www.electrictoolbox.com/clear-upload-file-input-field-jquery/
单击清除按钮时,有没有办法删除文件路径文本?我假设文件路径文本存储在 JQuery (file-upload.js) 中的某处
这是我的 HTML:
<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="#" method="post">
<div class="field" id="example_file">
<label class="file-upload">
<div class="icon-med icon-blck-upload"></div>
<input type="file" name="uploadfile" />
</div><!--end field-->
<input type="button" value="Clear" onclick="example_reset_html('example_file');">
(function () {
// import library
eval( JELLY.unpack() );
addDomReady( function () {
// Load our css
Load.css( 'file-upload.css' );
// Create a reusable tweening object
var tween = new Tween,
// event handlers, including blur/focus to
// restore keyboard navigation
onUploadChange = function ( e ) {
var status = retrieveData( this, 'upload-status' );
if ( this.value ) {
// IE shows the whole system path, we're reducing it
// to the filename for consistency
var value = browser.ie ? this.value.split('\\').pop() : this.value;
status.innerHTML = value;
insertAfter( status, this.parentNode );
// Only tween if we're responding to an event
if ( e ) {
tween.setElement( status ).
setOpacity( 0 ).
opacity: 1, duration: 500
else if ( status && status.parentNode ) {
removeElement( status );
onUploadFocus = function () {
addClass( this.parentNode, 'focus' );
onUploadBlur = function () {
removeClass( this.parentNode, 'focus' );
Q( '.file-upload input[type=file]' ).each( function ( field ) {
// Create a status element, and store it
storeData( field, 'upload-status', createElement( 'span.file-upload-status' ) );
// Bind events
addEvent( field, 'focus', onUploadFocus );
addEvent( field, 'blur', onUploadBlur );
addEvent( field, 'change', onUploadChange );
// Set current state
onUploadChange.call( field );
// Move the file input in Firefox / Opera so that the button part is
// in the hit area. Otherwise we get a text selection cursor
// which you cannot override with CSS
if ( browser.firefox || browser.opera ) {
field.style.left = '-800px';
else if ( browser.ie ) {
// Minimizes the text input part in IE
field.style.width = '0';
//Clear Button////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
function example_reset_html(id) {
$('#' + id).html($('#' + id).html());