我目前正在尝试编写应用内购买。我一直在寻找有关 Google 无法处理的某些内容的最佳实践的文档、信息和教程。


我有一个正在运行的计费服务来处理与 Google Play 的对话。该服务可以完成“样本”交易,我的应用程序会收到消息。


  1. 我的应用程序需要联系我的服务器并显示一些成功交易的证据。做一些 Cert 握手或一些类似的废话。

  2. 然后我将下载内容并将该内容放入数据库中。我可能应该使用某种设备唯一加密来加密数据库。



1 回答 1



首先,您应该调用您的服务器以获取将用于 RestoreTransactions 或进行购买的 nonce,以使事情尽可能安全。

让我们看看会发生什么。以下是 Google Play 调用的 BillingReceiver:

 * This is called when Android Market sends information about a purchase state
 * change. The signedData parameter is a plaintext JSON string that is
 * signed by the server with the developer's private key. The signature
 * for the signed data is passed in the signature parameter.
 * @param context the context
 * @param signedData the (unencrypted) JSON string
 * @param signature the signature for the signedData
private void purchaseStateChanged(Context context, String signedData, String signature) {
    Intent intent = new Intent(Consts.ACTION_PURCHASE_STATE_CHANGED);
    intent.setClass(context, BillingService.class);
    intent.putExtra(Consts.INAPP_SIGNED_DATA, signedData);
    intent.putExtra(Consts.INAPP_SIGNATURE, signature);

如果您查看 BillingService.java 中的 handleCommand,它会处理这个意图:

 * The {@link BillingReceiver} sends messages to this service using intents.
 * Each intent has an action and some extra arguments specific to that action.
 * @param intent the intent containing one of the supported actions
 * @param startId an identifier for the invocation instance of this service
public void handleCommand(Intent intent, int startId) {
    String action = intent.getAction();
    if (Consts.DEBUG) {
        Log.i(TAG, "handleCommand() action: " + action);
    if (Consts.ACTION_CONFIRM_NOTIFICATION.equals(action)) {
        String[] notifyIds = intent.getStringArrayExtra(Consts.NOTIFICATION_ID);
        confirmNotifications(startId, notifyIds);
    } else if (Consts.ACTION_GET_PURCHASE_INFORMATION.equals(action)) {
        String notifyId = intent.getStringExtra(Consts.NOTIFICATION_ID);
        getPurchaseInformation(startId, new String[] { notifyId });
    } else if (Consts.ACTION_PURCHASE_STATE_CHANGED.equals(action)) {
        String signedData = intent.getStringExtra(Consts.INAPP_SIGNED_DATA);
        String signature = intent.getStringExtra(Consts.INAPP_SIGNATURE);
        purchaseStateChanged(startId, signedData, signature);
    } else if (Consts.ACTION_RESPONSE_CODE.equals(action)) {
        long requestId = intent.getLongExtra(Consts.INAPP_REQUEST_ID, -1);
        int responseCodeIndex = intent.getIntExtra(Consts.INAPP_RESPONSE_CODE,
        ResponseCode responseCode = ResponseCode.valueOf(responseCodeIndex);
        checkResponseCode(requestId, responseCode);

然后调用PurchaseStateChanged 函数。这个函数应该被调用你的服务器来为你的内容交付创建一个会话。来自 Security.java 的代码应该被移植到服务器端以验证云中的交易。

 * Verifies that the data was signed with the given signature, and calls
 * {@link ResponseHandler#purchaseResponse(Context, PurchaseState, String, String, long)}
 * for each verified purchase.
 * @param startId an identifier for the invocation instance of this service
 * @param signedData the signed JSON string (signed, not encrypted)
 * @param signature the signature for the data, signed with the private key
private void purchaseStateChanged(int startId, String signedData, String signature) {
    ArrayList<Security.VerifiedPurchase> purchases;
    purchases = Security.verifyPurchase(signedData, signature);
    if (purchases == null) {

    ArrayList<String> notifyList = new ArrayList<String>();
    for (VerifiedPurchase vp : purchases) {
        if (vp.notificationId != null) {
        ResponseHandler.purchaseResponse(this, vp.purchaseState, vp.productId,
                vp.orderId, vp.purchaseTime, vp.developerPayload);
    if (!notifyList.isEmpty()) {
        String[] notifyIds = notifyList.toArray(new String[notifyList.size()]);
        confirmNotifications(startId, notifyIds);

确保将您的公钥放在移植的 Security.java 文件中的服务器端。

于 2012-05-03T22:39:15.080 回答