public void performanceTest() throws IOException {
long totalTime;
File file = new File("/directory/to/ten/different/htmlFiles");
for (int i = 0; i < 200; ++i) {
for (File fileEntry : file.listFiles()) {
HtmlStripper stripper = new HtmlStripper();
URL url = fileEntry.toURI().toURL();
InputStream inputStream = url.openStream();
String html = IOUtils.toString(inputStream, "UTF-8");
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
String text = stripper.getText(html);
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
totalTime = totalTime + (end - start);
//The duration for the stripping of each file is computed here
// (200 times for each time). That duration value decreases and then becomes constant
//IMHO if the duration for the same file should always remain the same.
//Or is a cache technique used by the JVM?
System.out.println("time needed for stripping current file: "+ (end -start));
System.out.println("Average time for one document: "
+ (totalTime / 2000));
但是每个文件的剥离持续时间每次计算200次,并且具有不同的递减值。恕我直言,如果同一个文件 X 的持续时间应该始终保持不变!?或者是JVM使用的缓存技术?
注意: - 我正在我的机器上进行本地测试(没有远程,没有 http)。- 我在 Ubuntu 10.04 上使用 java 6