This seems to be another issue than PhoneGap 0.9.6 (Blackberry) + Sencha Touch 1.1.0: deviceready does not fire it's related to iOS.

So, I can't get that event to fire up; using latest cordova (phonegap) 1.6.1.

Has anyone been successfully integrating these ST2 and PhoneGap?

Here's my app.json :

"js": [
        "path": "resources/js/cordova-1.6.1.js",
        "update": "delta"
        "path": "sdk/sencha-touch.js"
        "path": "app.js",
        "update": "delta"

My app.js:

launch: function() {
    // Destroy the #appLoadingIndicator element
    var mainPanel = Ext.Viewport.add({
        xclass: 'Sencha.view.Main'

    // load phonegap stuff
    document.addEventListener("deviceready", function () {
    } , true);

My Main.js controller :

Ext.define('Sencha.controller.Main', {
    extend: 'Ext.app.Controller',
config: {
    refs: {
        mainPanel: 'mainpanel',
    control: {
        mainpanel: {
            deviceready: 'onDeviceReady'
onDeviceReady: function() {
    var states = {};
    states[Connection.UNKNOWN]  = 'Unknown connection';
    states[Connection.ETHERNET] = 'Ethernet connection';
    states[Connection.WIFI]     = 'WiFi connection';
    states[Connection.CELL_2G]  = 'Cell 2G connection';
    states[Connection.CELL_3G]  = 'Cell 3G connection';
    states[Connection.CELL_4G]  = 'Cell 4G connection';
    states[Connection.NONE]     = 'No network connection';
    Ext.Msg.alert('Connection type', states[networkState], Ext.emptyFn);

1 回答 1


Sencha Touch 2 will listen to that event and call your onReady/launch methods - therefore if you try listening to them in the launch method, it has already been fired.

Just put your logic inside the launch method in your application.

于 2012-05-04T23:00:35.630 回答