我想生成可变或 12 长度的图像的可点击网格视图。这我管理得很好,但我想随机(从列表中)以重复的对(6对)选择图像(水果或其他)[我还需要将匹配的声音连接到图片/网格视图的位置,以便单击它们] . 我应该将它们添加到数组中吗?当点击它们时,我需要将匹配的声音连接到图片/网格视图的位置。

我可以这样填充数组吗?命令是什么?例如,我可以通过这种方式添加到我的 array1 中吗:

array1[n] = arraycontainingimages[randomnumbern];

? 我有什么选择或最好的方法是什么?我可以创建一个空数组然后添加图像吗?哪个命令可以添加它们?我最好使用 ArrayList() java 命令然后添加(int index,Object element)。单击后,我还需要从网格视图中删除该项目。


public class MyImageAdapterFruit1 extends BaseAdapter {

int Totalfruit = 12; // this means there are 6 pairs of fruit to select
int fruitstilltoadd = Totalfruit;
int ftaddcnt = 1;
int puthere = 1; 
int counttotwo;

private Context mContext;

public MyImageAdapterFruit1(Context c) {
    mContext = c;

public int getCount() {
    return filenames.length;

public Object getItem(int position) {
    return null;

public long getItemId(int position) {
    return 0;

// Create array to reference images later
public Integer [] displayfruit = {
        R.drawable.fruit1, R.drawable.fruit2, R.drawable.fruit3, 
        R.drawable.fruit4, R.drawable.fruit5, R.drawable.fruit6, 
        R.drawable.fruit7, R.drawable.fruit8, R.drawable.fruit9, 
        R.drawable.fruit10, R.drawable.fruit11, R.drawable.fruit12, 

// Create blank array to be populated randomly later - is this right/ok?
private Integer [] filenames;

// CONSIDER USING public void ArrayList (int capacity) {} here instead

//public void whyiseclipseaddingthis()     // Don't know why eclipse is adding this bit--------Fill (filenames) array randomly with 6 images in duplicate

while (fruitstilltoadd > 0) { 

//  select Fruittoaddtoarray - the following creates a random number (temprand) between 1 and 12 (if 12 is the total no. of fruit)
//  use this to randomly select fruit to add to the array 
    int restartfruitselection = 0;
    int minr = 1; 
    int maxr = (Totalfruit + 1); 
    Random temprand = new Random();
    int Fruittoaddtoarray = temprand.nextInt(maxr - minr + 1) + minr;
// end "select Fruittoaddtoarray" 

    // Now check if Fruittoaddtoarray already in array named "filenames"
    for (ftaddcnt = 1; ftaddcnt <= Totalfruit; ftaddcnt++) { 
        if (filenames[Fruittoaddtoarray] == filenames[ftaddcnt]) {
            restartfruitselection = 1; break;
            //if already in array then start over selecting new fruit else continue             

    if (restartfruitselection == 0) {
    // new fruit has been selected successfully so lets add it TWICE to random positions
        counttotwo =1; 
        while (counttotwo <= 2) {

            minr = 1; 
            maxr = (Totalfruit + 1); 
            temprand = new Random();
            int Puthere = temprand.nextInt(maxr - minr + 1) + minr;
            // end selection of random Puthere

            //if Puthere location is empty then add fruit to that position in the array ...
            // ...otherwise select a different place to put the fruit and re-test    
            if (filenames[Puthere] == null) {
                filenames[Puthere] = displayfruit[Fruittoaddtoarray]; 


int Fruitleft = 0;        

// create a new ImageView for each item referenced by the Adapter
public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
    ImageView imageView;
    if (convertView == null) {  // if it's not recycled, initialize some attributes
        imageView = new ImageView(mContext);
        imageView.setLayoutParams(new GridView.LayoutParams(85, 85));
        imageView.setPadding(8, 8, 8, 8);
    } else {
        imageView = (ImageView) convertView;

    return imageView;




  GridView gridview = (GridView) findViewById(R.id.gridView);
    gridview.setAdapter(new MyImageAdapterFruit1(this));

    gridview.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() {
        public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View v, int position, long id) {

            SoundManager.playSound(2, 1);     
            Toast.makeText(game1mainscreen.this, "" + position, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();




1 回答 1



1 我使用数组列表而不是数组,因为您无法修改数组。我在我的数组列表中交换了图像,如下所示:

myarraylist.set(position, R.drawable.newimage); //swap for new image
myarraylist.remove(0); //remove first int (image) from array

FruitToChooseFromImages = new ArrayList<Integer>();
FruitToChooseFromImages.add(R.drawable.image2); // etc to add images to the arraylist

2 我用过:

switch (switchused) {
    case R.drawable.fruit0:
            soundtoplay = 0;


Collections.shuffle(intarraylistofimages, shufflevalueSeed);
Collections.shuffle(intarraylistofnames, shufflevalueSeed);


3 要更改单击时的图标,我遇到了问题,所以我在更改图像后刷新了整个网格:

于 2012-05-18T09:50:26.577 回答