我试图让这个 C++ 方法返回一个 b2Fixture 实例数组。它迭代了一系列 JRContact 实例,其定义如下:
struct JRContact {
b2Fixture *fixtureA;
b2Fixture *fixtureB;
bool operator==(const JRContact& other) const
return (fixtureA == other.fixtureA) && (fixtureB == other.fixtureB);
nb 我对 C++ 完全陌生,请毫不犹豫地提及我可能在该代码中所做的奇怪事情 ;-)
以下无法编译(MacOS 上的 XCode 编译器),请参阅注释中的错误:
id AbstractContactListener::getFixturesOfTypeCollidingWithFixture(b2Fixture *fix, int type){
std::vector<b2Fixture> fixtures;
std::vector<JRContact>::iterator ct;
JRContact contact;
for (ct = _contacts.begin(); ct != _contacts.end(); ct++){
contact = *ct;
if (
( (fix == contact.fixtureA) || (fix == contact.fixtureB) ) &&
( contactContainsType(contact, type) )
if (fix == contact.fixtureA) {
// error: Semantic Issue: Reference to type 'const value_type' (aka 'const b2Fixture') could not bind to an lvalue of type 'b2Fixture *'
else {
// error: Semantic Issue: Reference to type 'const value_type' (aka 'const b2Fixture') could not bind to an lvalue of type 'b2Fixture *'
// error: Semantic Issue: No viable conversion from 'std::vector<b2Fixture>' to 'id'
return fixtures;