I would like to override a Javascript built-in function with a new version that calls the original (similarly to overriding a method on a class with a version that calls super in many languages). How can I do this?

For example...

window.alert = function(str) {
    //do something additional
    if(console) console.log(str);

    //super.alert(str) // How do I do this bit?

5 回答 5


Store a reference to the original function in a variable:

(function() {
    var _alert = window.alert;                   // <-- Reference
    window.alert = function(str) {
        // do something additional
        if(console) console.log(str);
        //return _alert.apply(this, arguments);  // <-- The universal method
        _alert(str);                             // Suits for this case

The universal way is <original_func_reference>.apply(this, arguments) - To preserve context and pass all arguments. Usually, the return value of the original method should also be returned.

However, it's known that alert is a void function, takes only one argument, and does not use the this object. So, _alert(str) is sufficient in this case.

Note: IE <= 8 throws an error if you try to overwrite alert, so make sure that you're using window.alert = ... instead of alert = ....

于 2012-05-03T08:30:32.800 回答

There is no "super". Anyway, create a closure to "keep" around the original function-object.

Note the "self invoking function" that returns a new function-object (that is assigned to the window.alert property). The new function-object returned creates a closure around the variable original which evaluates to the original value of window.alert that was passed in to the "self invoking function".

window.alert = (function (original) {
  return function (str) {
    //do something additional
    if(console) {

However, I believe some browsers may prevent alert and other built-ins from being modified...

Happy coding.

于 2012-05-03T08:31:54.720 回答

I'm assuming your question is how do you overwrite a built-in and still be able to call it. First off as a disclaimer, you should never overwrite built ins unless you have a good reason for doing it since it will make it impossible to debug/test.

This is how you would do it:

window._alert = window.alert;
window.alert = function(str) { 
     if(console) console.log(str);
于 2012-05-03T08:31:43.563 回答

How to do simple classical inheritance in Javascript:

SuperClass.call(this) // inherit from SuperClass (multiple inheritance yes)

How to override functions:

this.myFunction = this.myFunction.override(
                      this.superFunction(); // call the overridden function

The override function is created like this:

Function.prototype.override = function(func)
 var superFunction = this;
 return function() 
  this.superFunction = superFunction;
  return func.apply(this,arguments);

Works with multiple arguments.
Fails when trying to override undefined or nonfunctions.
Makes "superFunction" a "reserved" word :-)

于 2012-10-01T11:04:06.480 回答

JavaScript does not use a classical inheritance model. There is a nice article here which describes a way to write your classes so that a similar syntax can be used, but it's not natively supported.

于 2012-05-03T08:32:33.117 回答