如何在 gnuplot 中制作聚集的行堆叠条?它知道如何获得一个集群条,但不知道如何获得一个行堆叠条的集群。谢谢!



2 回答 2


If I understand the original post right, it should be easy to accomplish with gnuplot if you can preprocess your data to offset x coordinates of specific data series.

To illustrate the approach I will use the following data in 3 data series:

# impulse.dat
0.9 1
1.9 4
2.9 3
3.9 5

1.0 1
2.0 2
3.0 4
4.0 2

1.1 3
2.1 3
3.1 5
4.1 4

Here each series has x-coordinates shifted by .1. To plot it I choose impulses of width 10.

plot [0:5] [0:6] 'impulse.dat' ind 0 w imp lw 10, \
    'impulse.dat' ind 1 w imp lw 10, \
     'impulse.dat' ind 2 w imp lw 10

Edit: to combine this with Matt's suggestion to use boxes would definitely be better:

set boxwidth 0.1
set fill solid
plot [0:5] [0:6] 'impulse.dat' ind 0 w boxes,\
     'impulse.dat' ind 1 w boxes, \
     'impulse.dat' ind 2 w boxes

Following is the picture with impulses.

stacked bar plot w impulses

于 2012-05-04T17:33:53.397 回答


`set boxwidth 1`


当然,我想你也不需要设置 boxwidth...clustered 只是取决于偶尔打破...

于 2012-05-03T12:26:03.080 回答