<div id="fb-root"></div>
<script src="//connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
appId : '35455XXXX46207', // App ID
status : true, // check login status
cookie : true, // enable cookies to allow the server to access the session
xfbml : true // parse XFBML
var publish = {
method: 'feed',
message: 'getting educated about Facebook Connect',
name: 'Connect',
caption: 'The Facebook Connect JavaScript SDK',
description: (
'A small JavaScript library that allows you to harness ' +
'the power of Facebook, bringing the user\'s identity, ' +
'social graph and distribution power to your site.'
link: 'http://www.fbrell.com/',
picture: 'http://www.fbrell.com/f8.jpg',
actions: [
{ name: 'fbrell', link: 'http://www.fbrell.com/' }
user_message_prompt: 'Share your thoughts about RELL'
FB.ui(publish, Log.info.bind('feed callback'));
这会打开一个 facebook 弹出窗口,但我想直接使用一些代码来执行此操作..(就像 spotify 一样)
问题是什么?(我已经得到了 ext_perms )