对于您的示例中的特定行为(在 中A*3
>>> a = [1,2,3]
>>> a*3
[1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]
>>> a.__mul__(3)
[1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]
更一般地说,如果你想实现一个序列类型,你必须实现为序列类型定义的所有操作。你必须定义 -
- 什么
意思 ( __getitem__()
, __setitem__()
- 什么
意思 ( __getslice__()
- 什么
for item in A:
意思 ( __iter__()
这是在 s 上定义的方法的完整列表list
>>> pprint.pprint(dict(list.__dict__))
{'__add__': <slot wrapper '__add__' of 'list' objects>,
'__contains__': <slot wrapper '__contains__' of 'list' objects>,
'__delitem__': <slot wrapper '__delitem__' of 'list' objects>,
'__delslice__': <slot wrapper '__delslice__' of 'list' objects>,
'__doc__': "list() -> new empty list\nlist(iterable) -> new list initialized from iterable's items",
'__eq__': <slot wrapper '__eq__' of 'list' objects>,
'__ge__': <slot wrapper '__ge__' of 'list' objects>,
'__getattribute__': <slot wrapper '__getattribute__' of 'list' objects>,
'__getitem__': <method '__getitem__' of 'list' objects>,
'__getslice__': <slot wrapper '__getslice__' of 'list' objects>,
'__gt__': <slot wrapper '__gt__' of 'list' objects>,
'__hash__': None,
'__iadd__': <slot wrapper '__iadd__' of 'list' objects>,
'__imul__': <slot wrapper '__imul__' of 'list' objects>,
'__init__': <slot wrapper '__init__' of 'list' objects>,
'__iter__': <slot wrapper '__iter__' of 'list' objects>,
'__le__': <slot wrapper '__le__' of 'list' objects>,
'__len__': <slot wrapper '__len__' of 'list' objects>,
'__lt__': <slot wrapper '__lt__' of 'list' objects>,
'__mul__': <slot wrapper '__mul__' of 'list' objects>,
'__ne__': <slot wrapper '__ne__' of 'list' objects>,
'__new__': <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x1E1DACA8>,
'__repr__': <slot wrapper '__repr__' of 'list' objects>,
'__reversed__': <method '__reversed__' of 'list' objects>,
'__rmul__': <slot wrapper '__rmul__' of 'list' objects>,
'__setitem__': <slot wrapper '__setitem__' of 'list' objects>,
'__setslice__': <slot wrapper '__setslice__' of 'list' objects>,
'__sizeof__': <method '__sizeof__' of 'list' objects>,
'append': <method 'append' of 'list' objects>,
'count': <method 'count' of 'list' objects>,
'extend': <method 'extend' of 'list' objects>,
'index': <method 'index' of 'list' objects>,
'insert': <method 'insert' of 'list' objects>,
'pop': <method 'pop' of 'list' objects>,
'remove': <method 'remove' of 'list' objects>,
'reverse': <method 'reverse' of 'list' objects>,
'sort': <method 'sort' of 'list' objects>}