Is there anyway to use AsyncTask without passing in any parameters? I am currently passing in an empty string, but I'm not doing anything with it:
DownloadWebPageTask task = new DownloadWebPageTask();
task.execute(new String[] { "" });
class DownloadWebPageTask extends AsyncTask<String, Void, String> {
private final ProgressDialog dialog = new ProgressDialog(MainScreen.this);
protected void onPreExecute() {
dialog.setMessage("Gathering data for\n"+selectedSportName+".\nPlease wait...");;
protected String doInBackground(String... urls) {
//go do something
return "";
protected void onPostExecute(String result) {
private void startTabbedViewActivity(){
Intent intent = new Intent(MainScreen.this, TabbedView.class);
intent.putExtra(SPORT_NAME_EXTRA, selectedSportName);
intent.putExtra(HEADLINES_FOR_SPORT_EXTRA, existingSportHeadlines.get(selectedSportName));
intent.putExtra(SCORES_FOR_SPORT_EXTRA, existingSportScores.get(selectedSportName));
intent.putExtra(SCHEDULE_FOR_SPORT_EXTRA, existingSportSchedule.get(selectedSportName));
For some reason, when I run the code as shown, with nothing happening in doInBackground(), the dialog dissapears, and the TabbedView activity starts.
But, when I use doInBackground() to run some code, the dialog dissapears, but, the TabbedView activity won't start. So I'm wondering if I could be doing anything differently?