I am working on a Salesforce App. It includes a feature (a public facing web page) that requires an Enterprise Edition account.

Excluding this feature, the app should run on all other Salesforce Editions.

I'm worried that by packaging this feature, the App will become uninstallable to "Pro" and "Group" users. Does anyone have experience with this?


1 回答 1


当安装在任何 Org 版本上时,应用程序显然可以不受限制地使用任何 Salesforce 功能,以避免不兼容问题。也就是说,我不希望公共页面在较低版本上可用,因为它需要公开更多配置,但如果它对您的应用程序不是必需的,那么我想您会没事的。

于 2012-05-02T21:37:05.857 回答