public static T GetValue<T>(string key)
object o;
if (Contents.TryGetValue(key, out o))
if (o is T || Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(typeof(T)) == o.GetType())
return (T)o;
return default(T);
Contents.Add("a string", "string value");
Contents.Add("an integer", 1);
Contents.Add("a nullable integer", new Nullable<int>(2));
// Get objects as the type we originally used.
Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("GetValue<string>(\"a string\") = {0}", GetValue<string>("a string")));
Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("GetValue<int>(\"an integer\") = {0}", GetValue<int>("an integer")));
Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("GetValue<int?>(\"a nullable integer\") = {0}", GetValue<int?>("a nullable integer")));
// Get objects as base class object.
Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("GetValue<object>(\"a string\") = {0}", GetValue<object>("a string")));
Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("GetValue<object>(\"an integer\") = {0}", GetValue<object>("an integer")));
Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("GetValue<object>(\"a nullable integer\") = {0}", GetValue<object>("a nullable integer")));
// Get the ints as the other type.
Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("GetValue<int?>(\"an integer\") = {0}", GetValue<int?>("an integer")));
Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("GetValue<int>(\"a nullable integer\") = {0}", GetValue<int>("a nullable integer")));
// Attempt to get as a struct that it's not, should return default value.
Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("GetValue<double>(\"a string\") = {0}", GetValue<double>("a string")));
// Attempt to get as a nullable struct that it's not, or as a class that it's not, should return null.
Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("GetValue<double?>(\"a string\") = {0}", GetValue<double?>("a string")));
Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("GetValue<StringBuilder>(\"a string\") = {0}", GetValue<StringBuilder>("a string")));
GetValue<string>("a string") = string value
GetValue<int>("an integer") = 1
GetValue<int?>("a nullable integer") = 2
GetValue<object>("a string") = string value
GetValue<object>("an integer") = 1
GetValue<object>("a nullable integer") = 2
GetValue<int?>("an integer") = 1
GetValue<int>("a nullable integer") = 2
GetValue<double>("a string") = 0
GetValue<double?>("a string") =
GetValue<StringBuilder>("a string") =