I have an html email .oft (Outlook File Template) created in Outlook 2010 with a table layout width set to 600px. This ecard template is distributed to others at the company who might want to add a few lines of texts and signature to the bottom after the table. However all the added text appears on the top right next to the table. How can I either block any content on the right of the table or set the width of the email to be only 600px so any new additions will appear correctly at the bottom after the table? I know that floats and clear css don't work reliably across in html emails. Thanks, Attila


1 回答 1


您最好的选择是创建一个 100% 宽度的表格。在该表中,创建两个单元格,一个宽度为 600,另一个宽度为“auto”。然后,这将跨越电子邮件窗口的全部剩余宽度。

这不是一个理想的情况,但正如您所提到的,在 MS Outlook 2010 中可实现的功能存在非常严格的限制,更不用说 2007 年了。


<td width="600">Enter details here</td>
<td> &nbsp; (space character so no client disregards this cell) </td>

您可能需要尝试最后一个单元格的宽度,您可以尝试将其设置为 100% 或其他东西以强制占用右侧所有额外空间,但这将归结为您的代码和电子邮件,以及什么最适合该组织。


<table width="100"><tr>
   <td width="100%">
     <table width="600"><tr>
       <td width="600">Enter details here</td>
   <td>&nbsp;(space character so no client disregards this cell) </td>

作为指南 - 我使用 Campaign Monitor 参考来了解兼容性: http: //www.campaignmonitor.com/css/ - 在该页面上下载 XLS 文件。


于 2012-06-05T23:13:51.033 回答