I need help with expression engines terrible categories system...

I have 4 main categories, each of which have children categories, these children categories have another 2-3 children category groups.

I need a way for users to search through these categories, so the best way is to display the current categories children and provide the user to go back to the last category. (basically a breadcrumb trial with multiple categories.

In a nutshell, how can I display children categories based on the current parent that is active? For example if one of my category structure was as follows:

     -AGE 2-5
         - Cuddly Toys
         - Small Toys
         - Teddy Bears
     -AGE 5-10
         - Lego
         - Cars
         - Dolls
     -AGE 10-16
         - Video Games
         - Board Games
         - Bricks

If the user clicks "Toys", this will redirect to a page with all the toys, then the user can search further by now selecting one of the children categories "AGE 2-5, AGE 5-10 or AGE 10-16. If they select one of these, they can now search further by choosing another child.

Thanks in advance


2 回答 2


这是一种方法。它假设您的 URL 中有一些东西可以通过使用Low Seg2Cat获得类别信息。这个想法是根据您所在的页面向 Channel Categories 标签传递一个参数。

假设 segment_1 是“玩具”,你可以这样做:

{exp:channel:categories category_group="{segment_1_category_group_id}"}
   <a href="{path='template-group/template'}">{category_name}</a>
于 2012-05-02T22:34:53.637 回答

查看子类别附加组件,以及GW 代码类别附加组件。我确信其中之一可以实现您想要做的事情。

于 2012-05-02T13:11:59.037 回答