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select * from answers.getbycategory where category_id=396545299
"query": {
"count": 10,
"created": "2012-06-20T01:02:27Z",
"lang": "en-US",
"diagnostics": {
"publiclyCallable": "true",
"url": {
"execution-start-time": "22",
"execution-stop-time": "779",
"execution-time": "757",
"proxy": "DEFAULT",
"content": "http://answers.yahooapis.com/AnswersService/V1/getByCategory?category_id=396545299&start=0&results=10"
"user-time": "780",
"service-time": "757",
"build-version": "28117"
"results": {
"Question": [
"id": "20120619180104AAhkAbT",
"type": "Open",
"Subject": "Cool names for Mage In novel?",
"Content": "Ok, I'm writing a book about a boy that secretly does magic, but can't tell anyone because everybody disapproves, it's considered a sin to do magic to the people in the kingdom, and the king actually beheads people who do it. But I can't think of a good name for the Mage.\n",
"Date": "2012-06-19 18:01:04",
"Timestamp": "1340154064",
"Link": "http://answers.yahoo.com/question/?qid=20120619180104AAhkAbT",
"Category": {
"id": "396545299",
"content": "Books & Authors"
"UserId": "zpgtqzI6aa",
"UserNick": null,
"UserPhotoURL": null,
"NumAnswers": "0",
"NumComments": "0",
"ChosenAnswer": null,
"ChosenAnswererId": null,
"ChosenAnswererNick": null,
"ChosenAnswerTimestamp": null,
"ChosenAnswerAwardTimestamp": null