The method or operation is not implemented.
WebTestServiceApp.localhost.Service1 Send = new WebTestServiceApp.localhost.Service1();
Send.Sendemail(txtTo.Text, txtSubject.Text, txtbody.Text);
我的 webService 中的代码如下所示:
public string Sendemail( String inValueTo, String inValueSub, String inValueBody)
String valueTo = inValueTo;
String valueSub = inValueSub;
String valueBody = inValueBody;
// String valueAttachmentPostedfile = inValueAttachmentPostedfile; //FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName
// String valueAttachmentFileContent = inValueAttachemtnFileContent; //FileUpload1.FileContent.fileName
System.Net.Mail.MailMessage message = new System.Net.Mail.MailMessage(); // Creating new message.
message.Subject = valueSub;
message.From = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress("shaunmossop@mweb.co.za");
message.Body = valueBody;
message.IsBodyHtml = true;
// string fileName = Path.GetFileName(valueAttachmentPostedfile); // Get attachment file
// Attachment myAttachment =
// new Attachment(valueAttachmentFileContent, fileName);
// if (fileName != "")
// {
// message.Attachments.Add(myAttachment); // Send attachment
// }
System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient smtp = new System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient("smtp.gmail.com"); //Properties.Settings.Default.MailSMTPServer
smtp.Port = 587;
smtp.EnableSsl = true;
smtp.UseDefaultCredentials = false;
NetworkCredential netC = new NetworkCredential(Properties.Settings.Default.username, Properties.Settings.Default.password); // Useing Projects defult settings.
smtp.Credentials = netC;
return "Message has been sent";
catch (Exception)
return "Message faild to send" ;
webService 中的其余代码有效,我知道这一点是因为我在一个工作网站中使用了它,我的问题只是传递了值,或者我在 webService 中缺少一个步骤。
谁能看到一个明显的问题,我做错了什么,我在 VB 中使用了 web 服务,但没有在 C# 中使用,所以有区别吗?