When run in foreground mode, Emacs inserts non-Latin input correctly.

It's when I run it as emacs --damon + emacsclient, begins the madness. Each keystroke, which should insert a character, results in an action, like selecting words, jumping around expressions, selecting functions and so on. Almost like (a horrifying thought) Vim!

Is there a configuration option I am missing?


Actually solved it: M-x set-locale-environment RETRET.

It's still not clear why it doesn't use the system-wide locale settings (UTF-8).

Update 2:

Yay, fixed in trunk! Thanks to the one who did it!


1 回答 1


我的猜测是您的 emacsclient 会话是在 tty 中运行的,并且出于某种原因,Emacs 认为您在纯 ASCII 终端中运行,其中第 8 位字节标记了 Meta 密钥的使用。locale当您在 tty 中运行它时会返回什么?

于 2012-05-01T15:51:13.547 回答