I am trying something on hadoop and its related things. For this, I have configured hadoop, hase, hive, sqoop in Ubuntu machine.
raghu@system4:~/sqoop$ bin/sqoop-import --connect jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mysql --username root --password password --table user --hive-import -m 1
All goes fine, but when I enter hive command line and execute show tables, there are nothing. I am able to see that these tables are created in HDFS.
I have seen some options in Sqoop import - it can import to Hive/HDFS/HBase. When importing into Hive, it is indeed importing directly into HDFS. Then why Hive?
Where can I execute HiveQL to check the data.
From cloudera Support, I understood that I can Hue and check it. But, I think Hue is just an user interface to Hive.
Could someone help me here.
Thanks in advance,