我在github上问过,但也会尝试在这里问。“足智多谋”没有错;-)。使用friendly_id 4。
我用 slug => "123 foobar" 创建了一个用户。此用户的 id 为 200。
,它返回 id 为 123 的用户,而不是用户 200。
我在github上问过,但也会尝试在这里问。“足智多谋”没有错;-)。使用friendly_id 4。
我用 slug => "123 foobar" 创建了一个用户。此用户的 id 为 200。
,它返回 id 为 123 的用户,而不是用户 200。
The find method, (when the first argument is not a symbol) finds by primary key. If you want the slug to be the primary key then do the following:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
set_primary_key :slug
Doing so, find will find by the slug string, and to_param will return the string from the slug. Your path and url helpers should use the slug too. Your foreign keys will also have to use slug. However, now, find will not find by id.
If you want the id to work as always and/or you don't want all that change in behavior, but the slug is an alternate search method for the user, then search by the following:
Your routes will be OK, but if the slug is in the URL where the :id goes, it will be passed to the controller in params[:id]. So you can use the same URLs, controllers, and actions with the slug and the id, but your controller will have to figure out which to search by.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.slug?(key)
/^\d*-./ =~ key
def self.find_from_key(key)
slug?(key) ? find_by_slug(key) : find(key)
class UsersController < ApplicationController
def edit
@user = find_from_key(params["id"])