<input name="fname" placeholder="First Name">
使用 jQuery,您将响应具有该属性的任何元素的focus
and blur
(or focusin
and focusout
) 事件。placeholder
// Written and tested with jQuery 1.8.1
(function ( $ ) {
// Play nice with jshint.com
"use strict";
// Abort if browser already supports placeholder
if ( "placeholder" in document.createElement("input") ) {
// Listen at the document level to work with late-arriving elements
// Whenever blur or focus arrises from an element with a placeholder attr
.on("blur focus", "[placeholder]", function ( event ) {
// Determine the new value of that element
$(this).val(function ( i, sVal ) {
// First store a reference to it's placeholder value
var placeholder = $(this).attr("placeholder"), newVal = sVal;
// If the user is focusing, and the placehoder is already set
if ( event.type === "focusin" && sVal === placeholder ) {
// Empty the field
newVal = "";
// If the user is blurring, and the value is nothing but white space
if ( event.type === "focusout" && !sVal.replace(/\s+/g, "") ) {
// Set the placeholder
newVal = placeholder;
// Return our new value
return newVal;
// Finally, when the document has loaded and is ready
.ready(function () {
// Find non-autofocus placeholder elements and blur them
// This triggers the above logic, which may provide default values