如何从临时目录中删除 instructions.pdf?
我的 Web 脚本创建具有唯一 ID 的临时文件夹,并从另一台服务器请求一些文件。一个这样的文件是“instructions.pdf”。我想在临时文件夹打包成 zip 文件之前删除此文件。
我认为最简单的方法是在从 API 下载包之后但在为用户压缩包之前使用一些 PHP 代码覆盖这些文件。了解过程中的步骤可能会使这更容易概念化。
a) 用户点击“打包源代码”
b) 自托管面板联系人 API
c) API 返回一个项目包(包含说明.pdf)这是一个 zip 存档
d) 自托管面板解压缩存档以进行处理
e) 自托管面板添加插件和其他资产并对包进行一些调整
f) 自托管面板在 /files/temp 文件夹中创建一个 zip 存档供用户下载。
这意味着我将在 f) 之前添加一个额外的步骤。“在创建 zip 存档之前,从包中删除 instructions.pdf 并替换为“我的服务器上的这个文件”。”
我想在它读取“进程插件”的地方添加新的逻辑。我需要在两个地方执行此操作(相同的逻辑,但每个平台略有不同)一次用于 iOS,一次用于 Android。同一个文件处理两个包。
// delete pdf...
if($fh = fopen($rootFolder . "instructions.pdf", 'w')){
完整的 php 代码是:
<?php require_once("../../config.php");
//who's logged in
$guid = "";
//init user object
$thisUser = new User($guid);
$thisUser -> fnLoggedInReq($guid);
$thisUser -> fnUpdateLastRequest($guid, "1");
//try to increase max execution time..This is only necessary on painfully slow servers!
//project vars posted in AJAX request...
$appGuid = fnGetReqVal("appGuid", "", $myRequestVars);
$whatPlatform = fnGetReqVal("whatPlatform", "", $myRequestVars);
$saveToPath = "";
$packageURL = "";
//init some variables for the json result...
$bolPassed = true;
$strMessage = "";
//must have an app id...
if(strlen($appGuid) < 5 || strlen($guid) < 5){
$bolPassed = false;
$strMessage .= "<br>No app id found";
//must have a platoform selected...
if(strlen($whatPlatform) < 1){
$bolPassed = false;
$strMessage .= "<br>There was a problem figuring out what platform to package the project for?";
//create an app object so we can get the project name...
//ceate an app object...
$objApp = new App($appGuid);
//make sure user can manage this app...
$objApp->fnCanManageApp($thisUser->infoArray["guid"], $thisUser->infoArray["userType"], $appGuid, $objApp->infoArray["ownerGuid"]);
//appAPIKey and project name comes from objApp
$appAPIKey = $objApp->infoArray["apiKey"];
$appAPISecret = $objApp->infoArray["appSecret"];
$appName = $objApp->infoArray["name"];
$projectName = $objApp->infoArray["projectName"];
$projectName = fnCleanProjectName($projectName);
$projectName = strtolower($projectName);
$appIconURL = $objApp->infoArray["iconUrl"];
$appVersion = $objApp->infoArray["version"];
//start functions
//replace in text file function
function fnReplaceText($filePath, $replaceWhat, $replaceWith){
$str = file_get_contents($filePath);
if(strlen($str) > 0){
//echo "<br> Replacing text in: " . $filePath;
$fp = fopen($filePath,"w");
$str = str_replace($replaceWhat,$replaceWith,$str);
if(fwrite($fp, $str, strlen($str))){
//echo " ~ SUCCESS";
//echo " ~ ERROR!";
//echo "<br>This file is empty: " . $filePath;
//echo "<br>File not readable: " . $filePath;
//echo "<br>Not a file: " . $filePath;
//delete a directory and all of it's contents..
function delete_directory($dirname) {
if (is_dir($dirname))
$dir_handle = opendir($dirname);
if (!$dir_handle)
return false;
while($file = readdir($dir_handle)) {
if ($file != "." && $file != "..") {
if (!is_dir($dirname."/".$file))
return true;
//copies directory and all it's sub-directories
function copy_directory($source, $destination){
chmod($destination, 0755);
$directory = dir($source);
chmod($directory, 0755);
while(FALSE !== ($readdirectory = $directory->read())){
if($readdirectory == '.' || $readdirectory == '..'){
$PathDir = $source . '/' . $readdirectory;
copy_directory($PathDir, $destination . '/' . $readdirectory );
chmod($destination . '/' . $readdirectory, 0755);
copy($PathDir, $destination . '/' . $readdirectory);
chmod($destination . '/' . $readdirectory, 0755);
}else {
copy($source, $destination);
chmod($destination, 0755);
//calls buzztouch.com's API to build project. Returns a download URL for the .zipped up package
function fnGetBuzztouchPackageUsingAPI($appGuid, $projectName, $appName, $iconURL, $platform, $version){
//we'll be returning a download URL or an errors[] array...
$errors = array();
$packageURL = "";
//key/value pairs to send in the request...
$postVars = "";
$fields = array(
//needed by the buzztouch.com api to validate this request
"apiKey" => urlencode(APP_BT_SERVER_API_KEY),
"apiSecret" => urlencode(APP_BT_SERVER_API_KEY_SECRET),
"command" => urlencode("packageProject"),
//required by "packageProject" command...
"appGuid" => urlencode($appGuid),
"projectName" => urlencode($projectName),
"appName" => urlencode($appName),
"iconURL" => urlencode($iconURL),
"platform" => urlencode($platform),
"version" => urlencode($version)
//prepare the data for the POST
foreach($fields as $key => $value){
$postVars .= $key . "=" . $value . "&";
//setup api url
$apiURL = rtrim(APP_BT_SERVER_API_URL, "/");
//init a cURL object, set number of POST vars and the POST data
$ch = curl_init($apiURL . "/app/");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, count($fields));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postVars);
//get JSON result from buzztouch API
$jsonResult = curl_exec($ch);
//close connection
//decode json vars
if($jsonResult != ""){
$json = new Json;
$decoded = $json->unserialize($jsonResult);
//init status and pacakgeURL
$status = "";
$packageURL = "";
//must have a result...
if(array_key_exists("result", $decoded)){
$results = $decoded -> result;
//must have a status...
if(array_key_exists("status", $results)){
$status = $results -> status;
$errors[] = "API result does not contain a required field: status missing.";
$errors[] = "API result does not contain a required field: result missing.";
}//key exists..
//still no errors?
if(count($errors) < 1){
//success means we'll get a package URL from the API...
if(strtoupper($status) == "SUCCESS"){
if(array_key_exists("packageURL", $results)){
$packageURL = $results -> packageURL;
//show the errors...
if(array_key_exists("errors", $results)){
$errorList = $results -> errors;
for($e = 0; $e < count($errorList); $e++){
$errors[] = $errorList[$e] -> message;
$errors[] = "buzztouch API returned an error but no details were provided";
$errors[] = "buzztouch API return invalid JSON";
$errors[] = "buzztouch API return invalid JSON";
//did we have errors?
if(strlen($packageURL) > 0){
return $packageURL;
return $errors;
//downloads and saves a .zip from buzztouch.com so it can be processed locally.
function fnDownloadAndSaveZip($packageURL, $saveAsLocalFileName){
//create a file pointer for cURL to save to...
$fp = fopen($saveAsLocalFileName, 'w');
//init a cURL session to download the zip
$ch = curl_init($packageURL);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 60);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp);
$zipData = curl_exec($ch);
//close cURL and file pointer...
//make sure .zip project was downloaded and saved!
return true;
return false;
//gets config data from this server's API
function fnGetConfigData($appGuid, $appAPIKey, $appAPISecret){
//post vars to using CURL to make an API call to the same box.
$postVars = "";
$fields = array(
"apiKey" => urlencode($appAPIKey),
"apiSecret" => urlencode($appAPISecret),
"command" => urlencode("getAppData"),
"appGuid" => urlencode($appGuid)
//prepare the data for the POST
foreach($fields as $key => $value){
$postVars .= $key . "=" . $value . "&";
//init a cURL object to this UR
$ch = curl_init(rtrim(APP_URL, "/") . "/api/app/");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, count($fields));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postVars);
//get JSON result from buzztouch API
$configDataString = curl_exec($ch);
//close connection
return $configDataString;
//end functions
if(strlen($appAPIKey) < 1){
$bolPassed = false;
$strMessage .= "<br>No API key found for this project?";
if(strlen($appAPISecret) < 1){
$bolPassed = false;
$strMessage .= "<br>No App Secret found for this project?";
if(strlen($appName) < 1){
$bolPassed = false;
$strMessage .= "<br>No application name found for this project?";
if(strlen($projectName) < 1){
$bolPassed = false;
$strMessage .= "<br>No project name found for this project?";
if(strlen($appIconURL) < 1){
$bolPassed = false;
$strMessage .= "<br>No Icon URL found for this project?";
if(strlen($appVersion) < 1){
$bolPassed = false;
$strMessage .= "<br>No version found for this project?";
//if we have an API key then fetch project from buzztouch.com's API
//temp directory path...
$temp_directory = APP_PHYSICAL_PATH . APP_DATA_DIRECTORY . "/temp";
//remove previous .folders if they are still hanging around from last attempt...
fnRemoveDirectory(APP_PHYSICAL_PATH . APP_DATA_DIRECTORY . "/temp/" . $projectName . "-iOS-BTv2.0-" . $appGuid);
fnRemoveDirectory(APP_PHYSICAL_PATH . APP_DATA_DIRECTORY . "/temp/" . $projectName . "-Android-BTv2.0-" . $appGuid);
//remove previous zip's if they are still hanging around from last attempt...
if(is_file(APP_PHYSICAL_PATH . APP_DATA_DIRECTORY . "/temp/" . $projectName . "-iOS-BTv2.0-" . $appGuid . ".zip")){
@unlink(APP_PHYSICAL_PATH . APP_DATA_DIRECTORY . "/temp/" . $projectName . "-iOS-BTv2.0-" . $appGuid . ".zip");
if(is_file(APP_PHYSICAL_PATH . APP_DATA_DIRECTORY . "/temp/" . $projectName . "-Android-BTv2.0-" . $appGuid . ".zip")){
@unlink(APP_PHYSICAL_PATH . APP_DATA_DIRECTORY . "/temp/" . $projectName . "-Android-BTv2.0-" . $appGuid . ".zip");
//file names for the .zip we will be preparing...
if(strtoupper($whatPlatform) == "IOS"){
$saveToFolderName = $projectName . "-iOS-BTv2.0-" . $appGuid . ".zip";
if(strtoupper($whatPlatform) == "ANDROID"){
$saveToFolderName = $projectName . "-Android-BTv2.0-" . $appGuid . ".zip";
//save the folder in the /files/temp directory
$saveToPath = "../../" . ltrim(APP_DATA_DIRECTORY, "/") . "/temp/" . $saveToFolderName;
//root folder is where we are saving the all the unzipped files to...
$rootFolder = str_replace(".zip", "", $saveToPath);
//make sure we have a writable temp directory...
if(is_dir("../../" . ltrim(APP_DATA_DIRECTORY, "/") . "/temp")){
if(!is_writable("../../" . ltrim(APP_DATA_DIRECTORY, "/") . "/temp")){
$bolPassed = false;
$strMessage .= "The ../../" . ltrim(APP_DATA_DIRECTORY, "/") . "/temp directory is not writable by PHP. This folder needs write access.";
$bolPassed = false;
$strMessage .= "The ../../" . ltrim(APP_DATA_DIRECTORY, "/") . "/temp directory does not exist. This folder needs to exist and PHP needs write access to it. ";
//good so far...
//packageURL comes form the buzztouch API
$packageURL = fnGetBuzztouchPackageUsingAPI($appGuid, $projectName, $appName, $appIconURL, $whatPlatform, $appVersion);
//flag as no good
$bolPassed = false;
//show the errors...
for($e = 0; $e < count($packageURL); $e++){
$strMessage .= $packageURL[$e];
//all good, download and save the file from the packageURL...
if(!fnDownloadAndSaveZip($packageURL, $saveToPath)){
$bolPassed = false;
$strMessage .= "<br>An error occurred trying to download a package from the buzztouch API";
//extract the .zip to the /temp directory..
$archive = new PclZip($saveToPath);
$list = $archive->extract(PCLZIP_OPT_PATH, $rootFolder);
if(count($list) < 5 || !is_dir($rootFolder)){
$bolPassed = false;
$strMessage .= "There was a problem unzipping the package delivered by the buzztouch API. This can be caused by a few things. Is it possible that this is a Windows Server? This software does not run on Windows powered servers.";
$bolPassed = false;
$strMessage .= "<br>There was a problem finding the downloaded package";
}//is_array errors
//at this point we should have a folder to use to create our new project...It may already be full of the
//contents from the project returned by the buzztouch API...
//array holds all the files we've already added to the project - no duplicates allowed!
$existingFiles = array();
//get the BT_config.txt data from this server's API...
$configDataString = fnGetConfigData($appGuid, $appAPIKey, $appAPISecret);
if(strlen($configDataString) > 10){
//iOS project...
if(strtoupper($whatPlatform) == "IOS"){
$originalDelegateName = "BT_appDelegate";
$newDelegateName = $projectName . "_appDelegate";
//build directories if they don't exist already...
$makeFolders = array("BT_Config", "BT_Art", "BT_Video", "BT_Sound", "BT_Images", "BT_Docs", "BT_Plugins");
for($d = 0; $d < count($makeFolders); $d++){
if(!is_dir($rootFolder . "/" . $makeFolders[$d])){
@mkdir($rootFolder . "/" . $makeFolders[$d]);
//over-write the config data...
if($fh = fopen($rootFolder . "/BT_Config/BT_config.txt", 'w')){
fwrite($fh, $configDataString);
//download app icon from remote server...Could be .jpg or .png
if(strtolower(substr($appIconURL, -4)) == ".jpg"){
$icon = @imagecreatefromjpeg($appIconURL);
if(strtolower(substr($appIconURL, -4)) == ".png"){
$icon = @imagecreatefrompng($appIconURL);
//get icons original size...
list($width_orig, $height_orig) = @getimagesize($appIconURL);
if($width_orig > 0 && $height_orig > 0){
//create a few new sizes...
$sizes = array(57, 72, 114);
for($s = 0; $s < count($sizes); $s++){
$thisSize = $sizes[$s];
$width = $thisSize;
$height = $thisSize;
$ratio_orig = $width_orig / $height_orig;
if($width / $height > $ratio_orig){
$width = $height * $ratio_orig;
$height = $width / $ratio_orig;
$icon_scaled = @imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
@imagecopyresampled($icon_scaled, $icon, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $width_orig, $height_orig);
@imagepng($icon_scaled, $rootFolder . "/BT_Art/Icon_" . $thisSize . ".png");
}//end for each size
}//if original width / height > 0
}//if icon...
//process plugins...
$strSql = " SELECT webDirectoryName FROM " . TBL_BT_PLUGINS;
$res = fnDbGetResult($strSql, APP_DB_HOST, APP_DB_NAME, APP_DB_USER, APP_DB_PASS);
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)){
$tmpPath = APP_PHYSICAL_PATH . APP_DATA_DIRECTORY . "/plugins" . $row["webDirectoryName"];
//copy all the files from the source-ios directory into the BT_plugins folder...
$iosFolder = $tmpPath . "/source-ios";
$newFolder = $rootFolder . "/BT_Plugins/" . ltrim($row["webDirectoryName"], "/");
@mkdir($newFolder, 0755);
//copy / merge every file in the /source-ios folder to this newly created folder...
if($handle = opendir($iosFolder)){
while(false !== ($file = readdir($handle))){
if(strlen($file) > 5){
if(is_file($iosFolder . "/" . $file)){
if($file != ".DS_Store" && $file != "__MACOSX"){
//don't include if it's already been added
if(!in_array($file, $existingFiles)){
//copy the file...
copy($iosFolder . "/". $file, $newFolder . "/" . $file);
//if this is a .m or .h file, replace the app delegate name...
$lastTwoChars = substr($file, strlen($file) - 2, 2);
if(strtoupper($lastTwoChars) == ".H" || strtoupper($lastTwoChars) == ".M"){
fnReplaceText($newFolder . "/" . $file, $originalDelegateName, $newDelegateName);
}//existing files
//remember file...
$existingFiles[] = $file;
}//not .DS_Store
}//end while
}//if open source-ios
}//is_dir /source-ios
}//is_readable for this plugin...
}//is_dir for this plugin...
}//end while plugins..
//end iOS
//Android project...
if(strtoupper($whatPlatform) == "ANDROID"){
$originalDelegateName = "BT_appDelegate";
$newDelegateName = $projectName . "_appDelegate";
$originalPackageName = "com.buzzTouch";
$newPackageName = "com." . $projectName;
//build directories if they don't exist already...
$makeFolders = array("assets", "bin", "gen", "jar", "res", "src");
for($d = 0; $d < count($makeFolders); $d++){
if(!is_dir($rootFolder . "/" . $makeFolders[$d])){
@mkdir($rootFolder . "/" . $makeFolders[$d]);
//make /assets sub-directories if they don't exist already...
$makeFolders = array("BT_Video", "BT_Audio", "BT_Docs");
for($d = 0; $d < count($makeFolders); $d++){
if(!is_dir($rootFolder . "/assets/" . $makeFolders[$d])){
@mkdir($rootFolder . "/assets/" . $makeFolders[$d]);
//make /res sub-directories if they don't exist already...
$makeFolders = array("anim", "drawable", "drawable-hdpi", "drawable-ldpi", "drawable-mdpi", "layout", "values");
for($d = 0; $d < count($makeFolders); $d++){
if(!is_dir($rootFolder . "/res/" . $makeFolders[$d])){
@mkdir($rootFolder . "/res/" . $makeFolders[$d]);
//make /src sub-directories if they don't exist already...
if(!is_dir($rootFolder . "/src/com")) @mkdir($rootFolder . "/src/com");
if(!is_dir($rootFolder . "/src/com/" . str_replace("com.", "", $newPackageName))) @mkdir($rootFolder . "/src/com/" . str_replace("com.", "", $newPackageName));
//over-write (or create) the config data...
if($fh = fopen($rootFolder . "/assets/BT_config.txt", 'w')){
fwrite($fh, $configDataString);
//get app's icon, could be .jpg or .png
if(strtolower(substr($appIconURL, -4)) == ".jpg"){
$icon = @imagecreatefromjpeg($appIconURL);
if(strtolower(substr($appIconURL, -4)) == ".png"){
$icon = @imagecreatefrompng($appIconURL);
//get icons original size...
list($width_orig, $height_orig) = @getimagesize($appIconURL);
if($width_orig > 0 && $height_orig > 0){
//create a few new sizes...
$sizes = array(36, 48, 57, 72);
//save them here...
$drawableFolders = array("drawable-ldpi", "drawable-mdpi", "drawable", "drawable-hdpi");
for($s = 0; $s < count($sizes); $s++){
$thisSize = $sizes[$s];
$width = $thisSize;
$height = $thisSize;
$ratio_orig = $width_orig / $height_orig;
if($width / $height > $ratio_orig){
$width = $height * $ratio_orig;
$height = $width / $ratio_orig;
$icon_scaled = @imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
@imagecopyresampled($icon_scaled, $icon, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $width_orig, $height_orig);
@imagepng($icon_scaled, $rootFolder . "/res/" . $drawableFolders[$s] . "/icon.png");
}//end for each size
}//width / height
}//if icon...
Android Activitites: The AndroidManifest.xml file has a line that reads:
<!-- replace this with list of activity includes -->
We'll end up replacing that line with a list of activity files included in
the project. It's important that each .java class in the Plugin be an Android Activity.
If another .java class is needed to support the plugin it needs to be a child-class
within the main activity class. In other words, it's assumed that all .java class
files found in the source-android folder are Android Activities.
$activitiesList = "";
Using Maps: The AndroidManifest.xml file has a line that reads:
<!-- <uses-library android:name="com.google.android.maps"/> -->
We'll end up replacing that line with an uncommented version like this:
<uses-library android:name="com.google.android.maps"/>
if the application is using a BT_screen_map plugin.
$bolUsingMaps = false;
//process all the plugins...
$strSql = " SELECT webDirectoryName FROM " . TBL_BT_PLUGINS;
$res = fnDbGetResult($strSql, APP_DB_HOST, APP_DB_NAME, APP_DB_USER, APP_DB_PASS);
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)){
$tmpPath = APP_PHYSICAL_PATH . APP_DATA_DIRECTORY . "/plugins" . $row["webDirectoryName"];
//look for source code...For Android we don't make any folder, we just copy the
//contents of the source-android to the appropriate directory in the Android project
$audioDir = $rootFolder . "/assets/BT_Audio";
$videoDir = $rootFolder . "/assets/BT_Video";
$docsDir = $rootFolder . "/assets/BT_Docs";
$srcDir = $rootFolder . "/src/com/" . str_replace("com.", "", $newPackageName);
$layoutDir = $rootFolder . "/res/layout";
$drawableDir = $rootFolder . "/res/drawable";
$androidFolder = $tmpPath . "/source-android";
//copy every file in the /source-android folder to the proper Android folder...
if($handle = opendir($androidFolder)){
while(false !== ($file = readdir($handle))){
if(strlen($file) > 5){
if(is_file($androidFolder . "/" . $file)){
if($file != ".DS_Store" && $file != "__MACOSX"){