I am working on a project where I am quite comfortable running linux, virtualenv, pip, manage.py runserver, git and so on for back-end development. I work with a front-end developer who needs to collaborate remotely, currently via a Dropbox synced copy of the codebase (also in a git branch) on Windows. A development server on my side lets the developer see their changes semi-live.

Although this has served us fairly well so far, has anyone come across a similar working arrangement with a better setup for collaboration?

I'm mindful that the source control learning curve and environmental management overhead is potentially significant and somewhat unnecessary for front-end work (as long as I commit from time to time). I'm considering a VM based setup such as BitNami's DjangoStack so that the front-end dev has their own server setup, but I thought I'd ask about other experiences.


2 回答 2


我建议vagrant不仅用于快速开发设置(它擅长),还用于共享 VM 配置,因为您可以发布自己的设计师使用的 vagrant 文件。

它依赖于VirtualBox Sun Oracle 的开源管理程序,可在所有主要平台上免费使用。

于 2012-04-30T10:32:05.180 回答

我在 Rog 之前遇到过非常相似的情况,后端是在 *nix 上运行的 Ruby on Rails 设置,而前端人员需要 windows。我们最初设置了一个 Windows-Apache-MySql+git+RoR(使用 Cygwin 和其他工具),但最终安装我们的应用程序库和 gems 在 windows 设置上变得很痛苦(任何时候我们都会引入一个新的 gem(或 django 术语中的应用程序) ) 设置会在 Windows 上中断)。最后,我们终于让前端人员负责 *nix 设置。

andLinux在这些情况下非常有用,它可以让您在 windows 2000 设置下运行 linux 的无缝安装,因此前端人员仍然可以使用 windows 工具。它不像双启动,但这里两个操作系统同时运行。看看它。

于 2012-04-30T09:01:02.190 回答