例如,假设我想使用 html 标记链接 java.lang.Double 的 equals 方法:

@see <a href="http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.4.2/docs/api/java/lang/Double.html#equals(java.lang.Object)">

例如,我正在开发两个类,名为 AbstractVehicle 和 Vehicle。但是没有 AbstractVehicle 的 javadoc 文档,因为它的文档还需要生成。

@see mypackage.AbstractVehilce

这没有放置类 URL,我会在生成文档之前知道如何获取 URL 或它的引用。


3 回答 3


要创建指向特定类的链接{@link mypackage.AbstractVehicle},您可以使用标签。同样,您可以使用在类{@link mypackage.AbstractVehicle#someMethod}中创建链接。someMethod()AbstractVehicle

更多关于 javadoc 的建议可以在 Oracle 的javadoc - Java API 文档生成器页面中找到。

于 2012-04-29T17:55:31.910 回答

javadoc 的联机帮助页解释了-link以及-linkoffline哪些控制如何为未传递到的包生成链接javadoc

   -link extdocURL
          Creates  links to existing javadoc-generated documentation
          of external referenced classes.  It takes one argument.

          extdocURL is the absolute or relative URL of the directory
          containing  the  external  javadoc-generated documentation
          you want to link to. Examples are shown below.  The  pack-
          age-list  file must be found in this directory (otherwise,
          use -linkoffline). The  Javadoc  tool  reads  the  package
          names  from  the package-list file and then links to those
          packages at that URL. When the Javadoc tool  is  run,  the
          extdocURL  value  is  copied  literally  into the <A HREF>
          links that are created. Therefore, extdocURL must  be  the
          URL to the directory, not to a file.

          You  can use an absolute link for extdocURL to enable your
          docs to link to a document on any website, or  can  use  a
          relative link to link only to a relative location. If rel-
          ative, the value you pass in should be the  relative  path
          from the destination directory (specified with -d ) to the
          directory containing the packages being linked to.

          When specifying an absolute link you normally use an http:
          link.   However, if you want to link to a file system that
          has no web server, you can use a file: link - however,  do
          this only if everyone wanting to access the generated doc-
          umentation shares the same file system.

          You can specify multiple -link options in a given  javadoc
          run to link to multiple documents.

          Choosing between -linkoffline and -link - One or the other
          option is appropriate when linking to an API document that
          is external to the current javadoc run.

          Use  -link: when using a relative path to the external API
          document, or when using an absolute URL  to  the  external
          API  document,  if  you  shell does not allow a program to
          open a connection to that URL for reading.

          Use -linkoffline : when  using  an  absolute  URL  to  the
          external API document, if your shell does not allow a pro-
          gram to open a connection to that URL for  reading.   This
          can  occur  if  you are behind a firewall and the document
          you want to link to is on the other side.



   -linkoffline extdocURL  packagelistLoc
          This option is a varition of -link; they both create links
          to javadoc-generated documentation for external referenced
          classes.  Use the -linkoffline option when  linking  to  a
          document  on  the  web  when  the  Javadoc  tool itself is
          "offline" - that is, it cannot access the document through
          a web connection.

于 2012-04-29T17:49:30.720 回答

javadoc 工具文档@see中描述了您可以添加的内容。您永远不应该放置任何外部类或方法文档的 URL。相反,您应该输入类/方法名称,并使用-link 选项让 javadoc 为您找出合适的 URL。

于 2012-04-29T17:55:45.333 回答