在不修改源代码的情况下,当调用某个函数(例如以下示例中的 func100)时,我如何跟踪调用了哪些函数以及使用了哪些参数。我希望输出如下:

enter func100(p1001=xxx,p1002=xxx)
        enter func110(p1101=xxx,p1102=xxx)
        exit  func110(p1101=xxx,p1102=xxx)
        enter func120(p1201=xxx,p1202=xxx,p1203=xxx)
                enter func121(p1211=xxx)
                exit  func121(p1211=xxx)
        exit  func120(p1201=xxx,p1202=xxx,p1203=xxx)
exit  func100(p1001=xxx,p1002=xxx)



9 回答 9




函数的第二个参数是指向调用站点的指针(即调用函数中的返回地址)。您可以使用 打印它%p,但使用起来会有些困难。你可以用它nm来找出包含这个地址的真正函数。


于 2012-04-29T17:09:21.737 回答

通过 GNU C 库,您可以使用该backtrace模块。这是一个例子:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <execinfo.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void handler(char *caller) {
  void *array[10];
  size_t size;
  printf("Stack Trace Start for %s\n",caller);
  size = backtrace(array, 10);
  backtrace_symbols_fd(array, size, 2);
  printf("Stack Trace End\n");

void car() {
    printf("Continue Execution");
void baz() {car(); }

void bar() { baz(); }
void foo() { bar(); }

int main(int argc, char **argv) {

使用-g -rdynamic编译器选项编译以加载符号

gcc -g -rdynamic Test1.c -o Test


Stack Trace Start for car()
Stack Trace End
Continue Execution in car


于 2012-04-29T17:11:05.357 回答

如果您使用的是 linux,那么 callgrind可能会有所帮助。它基本上收集您正在寻找的内容的统计信息,因此,它可能提供一种访问其原始数据的方法。

于 2012-04-29T17:01:56.960 回答

我也遇到过函数调用跟踪良好的问题。因此,我编写了一个 Python GDB 脚本 ( https://gist.github.com/stettberger/e6f2fe61206471e22e9e6f1926668093 ),它在每个有趣的函数(由环境变量 TRACE_FUNCTION 定义)上设置一个断点。然后 GDB 调用 python 函数,该函数对帧及其所有参数进行解码。如果它遇到一个指针,它会尝试取消引用它,并使用参数将函数调用跟踪打印到 TRACE_FILE(默认值:/tmp/log)。对于以下程序

#include <stdio.h>

struct foo {
    int a;
    struct foo * next;

int fib(int a, struct foo *b) {
    if (a <= 1) return 1;
    printf("%d\n", a);
    return fib(a-1, 0)+fib(a-2, 0);

int main() {
    struct foo b = {23, 0};
    return fib(5, &b);

我得到了详细的跟踪,其中每一行都是一个 python 元组,可以使用以下命令读取eval()

('call', None, 1, 'main', 'main', {})
('call', 1, 2, 'fib', 'fib', {'a': {'type': 'int', 'value': 5}, 'b': {'type': 'struct foo *', 'value': 140737488344320, 'deref': {'type': 'struct foo', 'value': {'a': {'type': 'int', 'value': 23}, 'next': {'type': 'struct foo *', 'value': 0, 'deref': None}}}}})
('call', 2, 3, 'fib', 'fib', {'a': {'type': 'int', 'value': 4}, 'b': {'type': 'struct foo *', 'value': 0, 'deref': None}})
('return', 'fib', 2, {'type': 'int', 'value': 8})
('exit', 8)


于 2018-04-09T13:44:55.977 回答


前段时间,我意识到你可以结合 gdb 的正则表达式断点(常规的也可以),然后在每次触发这些断点时执行一组命令来运行。见:http ://www.ofb.net/gnu/gdb/gdb_35.html


(gdb) rbreak MPI_
(gdb) command 1-XX
(gdb) silent
(gdb) bt 1
(gdb) echo \n\n
(gdb) continue
(gdb) end

Silent 命令用于在找到断点时隐藏 gdb 消息。我通常打印几行空行,以便于阅读。

然后,您只需运行程序: (gdb) run

一旦您的程序开始运行,gdb 将打印 N 个最顶层的回溯级别。

#0  0x000000000040dc60 in MPI_Initialized@plt ()

#0  PMPI_Initialized (flag=0x7fffffffba78) at ../../src/mpi/init/initialized.c:46

#0  0x000000000040d9b0 in MPI_Init_thread@plt ()

#0  PMPI_Init_thread (argc=0x7fffffffbe78, argv=0x7fffffffbde0, required=3, provided=0x7fffffffba74) at ../../src/mpi/init/initthread.c:946

#0  0x000000000040e390 in MPI_Comm_rank@plt ()

#0  PMPI_Comm_rank (comm=1140850688, rank=0x7fffffffba7c) at ../../src/mpi/comm/comm_rank.c:53

#0  0x000000000040e050 in MPI_Type_create_struct@plt ()

#0  PMPI_Type_create_struct (count=3, array_of_blocklengths=0x7fffffffba90, array_of_displacements=0x7fffffffbab0, array_of_types=0x7fffffffba80, newtype=0x69de20) at ../../src/mpi/datatype/type_create_struct.c:116

#0  0x000000000040e2a0 in MPI_Type_commit@plt ()

#0  PMPI_Type_commit (datatype=0x69de20) at ../../src/mpi/datatype/type_commit.c:75



于 2016-08-24T13:11:52.520 回答

使用调试器设置带有关联操作的断点。例如,在 gdb 中,您可以在要跟踪的每个函数的开头和结尾处设置断点。您可以为这些断点中的每一个提供一个要执行的命令,例如:

printf("Enter func100(p1001=%d, p1002=%d)", p1001, p1002)



于 2012-04-29T17:17:57.843 回答

您可以查看 log4cxx,一个由 apache 基金会托管的项目。我知道 log4j,java 变体允许您设置敏感度,并且您可以跟踪程序中所做的每一件事。也许 c++ 变体是相同的,但有几个替代方案 - 有一个面向方面的 c++ 编译器,您可以在所有函数中定义一个方面,并让它捕获并打印变量。另一种选择是使用调试器。

总结一下:调试器、log4cxx 或 AOP

于 2012-04-29T17:02:36.600 回答

如果您使用动态模块,您可以使用命令 ltrace 获取此信息。您甚至可以使用 -l 标志指定监视库

于 2018-04-09T13:55:33.283 回答

这是一个完美的答案,我一直在寻找一个类似的工具,我发现了一个由 John Panzer 在 1998 年制作的名为 CallMonitor 的工具。这是该工具的输出。是的,它是为 Visual C++ 6.0 制作的,但它可以在 Visual Studio 2019 中运行,根本不需要编辑。


适用于Windows !!!

我将代码放在我的个人 github 上用于历史备份。(它还包含我自己构建的已编译调试,因此您可以立即对其进行测试,只需在命令提示符下运行 Test.exe 即可查看结果)。


这是 test.cpp 代码

// Test driver for CallMon

#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

void child2(bool doThrow)
    if (doThrow) throw "random exception";

void child1(bool doThrow)

// Waits a bit, then calls a child function
// that might throw an exception
DWORD WINAPI threadFunc(LPVOID param)
    try {
        child1(param ? true : false);
    } catch (char *) {
    return 0;

// Starts argv[1] threads running, of which argv[2] throw
// exceptions.
void main(int argc,char *argv[])
    if (argc!=3)
        cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <number of threads, or 0> <number of exceptions>" << endl;
        cout << "  Pass 0 for number of threads for simple nonthreaded test" << endl;
        cout << "  Pass the number of threads which should throw exceptions as the second arg" << endl;
        cout << "  Note: The test output for the multithreaded case gives " << endl;
        cout << "        nearly unreadable output." << endl;
    DWORD id;
    int numThreads = atol(argv[1]);
    int numExc = atol(argv[2]);
    if (numThreads == 0)
        int i;
            void * param= (void*)(i < numExc ? 1 : 0);
            th[i] = CreateThread(NULL,0,threadFunc,param,0,&id);

这是 Test.exe 0 20 的输出

C:\Users\User\Desktop\callmonitor\Debug>Test 0 20
Test!main (002B2160)
        Test!threadFunc (002B20A0)
                Test!child1 (002B1F70)
                        Test!child2 (002B1FB0)
                        exit 002B1FB0, elapsed time=4 ms (13738100 ticks)
                        Test!child2 (002B1FB0)
                                Test!child1 (002B1F70)
                                        Test!child2 (002B1FB0)
                                        exit 002B1FB0, elapsed time=4 ms (123855
75 ticks)
                                        Test!child2 (002B1FB0)
                                        exit 002B1FB0, elapsed time=5 ms (150199
75 ticks)
                                exit 002B1F70, elapsed time=27 ms (82797408 tick
                        exception exit 002B1FB0, elapsed time=40 ms (122291193 t
                exception exit 002B1F70, elapsed time=56 ms (170411060 ticks)
        exit 002B20A0, elapsed time=61 ms (184553835 ticks)
exit 002B2160, elapsed time=74 ms (222897953 ticks)



Test!main (01132160)
        Test!std::operator<<<std::char_traits<char> > (01131740)
                Test!<unknown symbol> (01132070)
                exit 01132070, elapsed time=0 ms (1960 ticks)
                Test!<unknown symbol> (01131CB0)
                        Test!<unknown symbol> (01131C40)
                        exit 01131C40, elapsed time=0 ms (3123 ticks)
                exit 01131CB0, elapsed time=2 ms (7502464 ticks)
                Test!<unknown symbol> (01131F00)
                exit 01131F00, elapsed time=0 ms (378 ticks)
Usage:          Test!<unknown symbol> (01131E60)
                        Test!<unknown symbol> (01131DC0)
                        exit 01131DC0, elapsed time=0 ms (1740 ticks)
                exit 01131E60, elapsed time=2 ms (6846975 ticks)
        exit 01131740, elapsed time=15 ms (47014729 ticks)
        Test!std::operator<<<std::char_traits<char> > (01131740)
                Test!<unknown symbol> (01132070)
                exit 01132070, elapsed time=0 ms (1485 ticks)
                Test!<unknown symbol> (01131CB0)
                        Test!<unknown symbol> (01131C40)
                        exit 01131C40, elapsed time=0 ms (2268 ticks)
                exit 01131CB0, elapsed time=2 ms (8479308 ticks)
                Test!<unknown symbol> (01131F00)
                exit 01131F00, elapsed time=0 ms (285 ticks)
Test            Test!<unknown symbol> (01131E60)
                        Test!<unknown symbol> (01131DC0)
                        exit 01131DC0, elapsed time=0 ms (2415 ticks)
                exit 01131E60, elapsed time=3 ms (10897188 ticks)
        exit 01131740, elapsed time=17 ms (52439945 ticks)
        Test!std::operator<<<std::char_traits<char> > (01131740)
                Test!<unknown symbol> (01132070)
                exit 01132070, elapsed time=0 ms (1443 ticks)
                Test!<unknown symbol> (01131CB0)
                        Test!<unknown symbol> (01131C40)
                        exit 01131C40, elapsed time=0 ms (2550 ticks)
                exit 01131CB0, elapsed time=2 ms (8731260 ticks)
                Test!<unknown symbol> (01131F00)
                exit 01131F00, elapsed time=0 ms (354 ticks)
 <number of threads, or 0> <number of exceptions>               Test!<unknown sy
mbol> (01131E60)
                        Test!<unknown symbol> (01131DC0)
                        exit 01131DC0, elapsed time=0 ms (2397 ticks)
                exit 01131E60, elapsed time=3 ms (10455030 ticks)
        exit 01131740, elapsed time=18 ms (54133983 ticks)
        Test!std::endl<char,std::char_traits<char> > (01131BE0)

        exit 01131BE0, elapsed time=0 ms (1256316 ticks)
        Test!std::operator<<<std::char_traits<char> > (01131740)
                Test!<unknown symbol> (01132070)
                exit 01132070, elapsed time=0 ms (1554 ticks)
                Test!<unknown symbol> (01131CB0)
                        Test!<unknown symbol> (01131C40)
                        exit 01131C40, elapsed time=0 ms (1983 ticks)
                exit 01131CB0, elapsed time=2 ms (8839671 ticks)
                Test!<unknown symbol> (01131F00)
                exit 01131F00, elapsed time=0 ms (2736 ticks)
  Pass 0 for number of threads for simple nonthreaded test              Test!<un
known symbol> (01131E60)
                        Test!<unknown symbol> (01131DC0)
                        exit 01131DC0, elapsed time=0 ms (1605 ticks)
                exit 01131E60, elapsed time=2 ms (8375898 ticks)
        exit 01131740, elapsed time=20 ms (61957080 ticks)
        Test!std::endl<char,std::char_traits<char> > (01131BE0)

        exit 01131BE0, elapsed time=0 ms (1303008 ticks)
        Test!std::operator<<<std::char_traits<char> > (01131740)
                Test!<unknown symbol> (01132070)
                exit 01132070, elapsed time=0 ms (1245 ticks)
                Test!<unknown symbol> (01131CB0)
                        Test!<unknown symbol> (01131C40)
                        exit 01131C40, elapsed time=0 ms (1548 ticks)
                exit 01131CB0, elapsed time=2 ms (8249352 ticks)
                Test!<unknown symbol> (01131F00)
                exit 01131F00, elapsed time=0 ms (408 ticks)
  Pass the number of threads which should throw exceptions as the second arg
        Test!<unknown symbol> (01131E60)
                        Test!<unknown symbol> (01131DC0)
                        exit 01131DC0, elapsed time=0 ms (1503 ticks)
                exit 01131E60, elapsed time=2 ms (8074389 ticks)
        exit 01131740, elapsed time=17 ms (52143870 ticks)
        Test!std::endl<char,std::char_traits<char> > (01131BE0)

        exit 01131BE0, elapsed time=0 ms (1312485 ticks)
        Test!std::operator<<<std::char_traits<char> > (01131740)
                Test!<unknown symbol> (01132070)
                exit 01132070, elapsed time=0 ms (1392 ticks)
                Test!<unknown symbol> (01131CB0)
                        Test!<unknown symbol> (01131C40)
                        exit 01131C40, elapsed time=0 ms (2043 ticks)
                exit 01131CB0, elapsed time=2 ms (8364006 ticks)
                Test!<unknown symbol> (01131F00)
                exit 01131F00, elapsed time=0 ms (357 ticks)
  Note: The test output for the multithreaded case gives                Test!<un
known symbol> (01131E60)
                        Test!<unknown symbol> (01131DC0)
                        exit 01131DC0, elapsed time=0 ms (1557 ticks)
                exit 01131E60, elapsed time=2 ms (8433210 ticks)
        exit 01131740, elapsed time=17 ms (51733404 ticks)
        Test!std::endl<char,std::char_traits<char> > (01131BE0)

        exit 01131BE0, elapsed time=0 ms (1323972 ticks)
        Test!std::operator<<<std::char_traits<char> > (01131740)
                Test!<unknown symbol> (01132070)
                exit 01132070, elapsed time=0 ms (1257 ticks)
                Test!<unknown symbol> (01131CB0)
                        Test!<unknown symbol> (01131C40)
                        exit 01131C40, elapsed time=0 ms (1668 ticks)
                exit 01131CB0, elapsed time=2 ms (7994649 ticks)
                Test!<unknown symbol> (01131F00)
                exit 01131F00, elapsed time=0 ms (393 ticks)
        nearly unreadable output.               Test!<unknown symbol> (01131E60)

                        Test!<unknown symbol> (01131DC0)
                        exit 01131DC0, elapsed time=0 ms (1572 ticks)
                exit 01131E60, elapsed time=2 ms (8090115 ticks)
        exit 01131740, elapsed time=17 ms (52094652 ticks)
        Test!std::endl<char,std::char_traits<char> > (01131BE0)

        exit 01131BE0, elapsed time=0 ms (1355601 ticks)
exit 01132160, elapsed time=162 ms (486552183 ticks)
于 2021-02-04T20:44:28.377 回答