I recently asked about some issues I encountered while try to get the Open Graph working. To solve the issue there, I had to create a second action called read. However, since Facebook prefers that their default actions be used, I am afraid that when I submit that action, facebook will reject it as it is too similar to their own news.reads.

I'd like to use news.reads, but when I try to make calls to it, I receive an OAuthException error stating that news.reads is not submitted, and can only be used by an admin, developer, or tester. Ironically, I am the sole admin, so this should be a non-issue.

If I try to submit news.reads, one of the requirements is to make at least one publish_action call to that action.

.. except I can't bloody well make that call if the Graph won't let me, can I? ;)

Is this a Graph API bug?

Edit: According to this question, the news.reads call was made public Jan 18th.


1 回答 1



...为了使用 Open Graph 发布,应用程序必须启用“增强的身份验证对话框”迁移。这可以从“编辑应用程序”页面的“高级”设置中完成。你启用了吗?

于 2012-04-29T22:18:08.767 回答