I am experiencing a problem similar to 2 others who have recently written about this issue.

A newly created Page Tab Facebook app displays for admin users but not for regular users. I only have 8 page tabs currently so it cannot be that there are too many. Also, sandbox mode is disabled ( have tried both enabled and disabled).

Can anyone think of a reason that this might be occurring?

I added the tab with the code:


Could it have something to do with https in the url as opposed to http?

I am at a loss and do not know how to go about solving this issue.

Any ideas, however far-out they may be,would be aprreciated.

Thank you to anyone who might think they can help...


1 回答 1



此外,请检查是否通过 API 在应用程序或页面上设置人口统计限制,因为在这种情况下,只有满足限制的用户才能看到该选项卡。(尽管管理员总是会看到它)

还要检查您是否正确配置了应用程序的页面选项卡 URL 和安全页面选项卡 URL 设置,就像用户使用 HTTPS 并且应用程序不支持它一样,他们将看不到选项卡


于 2012-04-30T05:05:58.773 回答