我正在尝试在 64 位 Linux 上运行的 NASM 中实现一个数组的选择排序。
section .bss
strbuf resb 10
small resb 1 ; current minimum value
由于立即数不能相互移动,例如mov [var1], [var2]
我不希望使用简化结构的宏,例如那些提供 .IF 和 .ELSE 的宏。
; ====== Sorting begins here ======
mov edi, strbuf ; outer loop pointer
mov esi, strbuf ; inner loop pointer
mov eax, 0 ; inner loop counter
mov ebx, 0 ; outer loop counter
; store the value of first element in [small]
mov edx, [esi]
mov [small], edx
; compare the current small value with the value pointed by esi
mov edx, [esi]
cmp [small], edx
jg new_small
inc esi
inc eax
cmp eax, 9
jle innerloop
cmp eax, 9
jg innerloop_done
mov [small], edx ; save the new small value
mov ecx, esi ; save its index in ecx
inc esi
inc eax
cmp eax, 9
jle innerloop
; When the inner loop is completed...
; First, do the swap
push rax
mov eax, [edi]
mov edx, [small]
mov [ecx], edx
pop rax
inc edi ; move the outer loop pointer forward
inc esi ; move the inner loop pointer forward
inc ebx ; increment the outer loop counter (the unsorted array becomes smaller)
inc eax ; increment the inner loop counter (same reason as above)
cmp ebx, 9
jle innerloop
; ====== Sorting ends here ======