var test = "I have been messing around with .split and .slice for hours. But no success. I don't even have to 'keep' the remainder of the text, since it will be loaded again when the user will click read more, on the 'detail page'. So onwards from word 30, the text could be removed from the DOM. answers regarding displaying a set number of characters instead of words are also helpful."
var splittest = test.split(' ')
splittest.slice(0, 10)
(returns ["I", "have", "been", "messing", "around", "with", ".split", "and", ".slice", "for"])
test.slice(0, 300)
(returns "I have been messing around with .split and .slice for hours. But no success. I don't even have to 'keep' the remainder of the text, since it will be loaded again when the user will click read more, on the 'detail page'. So onwards from word 30, the text could be removed from the DOM. answers regardi")